Chapter 26

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Aces POV

I rock her back and forth in my arms to comfort her. I hate that she has these dreams. That two weeks was amazing with her without a nightmare in sight, I've noticed when I am not right beside her sleeping, she has those nightmares.

I hate that I wasn't there to protect her that night and to find out that her nightmares are about Josh, if I ever see him I will kill him. I can't believe he's still walking on this earth, the cunt deserves prison or death. 

I begin to hear heavy breathing and now I know she's sleeping. I move underneath the duvet with her still in my arms and lay down with her on my chest. She begins to move above me trying to get comfortable before settling down on my chest still fast asleep. 


I open my eyes unable to sleep anymore. I look at the nightstand clock 5:00 am. That's it?

My thoughts are still swirling about last night and it's to do with one exact family. The Reeves, I know exactly why Asher is trying to avoid Camila and I haven't told her, Ash doesn't want me to tell anyone so, I won't. As much as I want to tell her it's just not my story to tell.

I need coffee, my sleep wasn't all that great last night I just wanted to make sure my girl was okay. I untangle my body from hers and go to the kitchen. I turn the coffee maker on and wait, once it's done I take a seat at the island counter, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"What's up, man?" Ash comes in rubbing his eyes and follows up with a yawn. 

"Hey" I reply.

"I'm sorry about last night" He saddens.

"It's okay, man. I understand why you're doing it but if you hurt yourself it would reck Cam", and me...I need my best friend. 

"Since when do you care about Cam?" He asks cocking a brow. 

"We're family...all of us" I tell. If only I could tell him how much she actually means to me, these past two weeks have been so different and I've seen different sides of her that I've never seen before and It makes me fall deeper.

"Did she see me last night, you know.. the mess I was in?" He looks down, I can tell he's ashamed.

"Yeah she did, she found you first. You need to tell her, bro"

"No way, she'll hate my dad and I don't want her to go through the same pain I am" His voice cracks.

"She deserves to know Ash, she gets so upset when you avoid her and just last night she was crying seeing the mess you got yourself into. What did you even take?"

"I know! I know she deserves to know but I just can't, she'll hate me too. I've kept it in so long and..I have no idea something Rebecca gave me" He becomes agitated and picking at the scabs on his knuckles. 

"Don't do that shit anymore. Cam won't hate you, if you keep putting it off she might just. if she finds out by someone know Skye is avoiding her but for how long"

His phone begins to ring and he answers after looking at the ID "Hi, mum" He coos with a sigh.

"Yeah"  "okay"  "she's still asleep"  "sure I'll tell her", He hangs up the call. I raise a brow at him curious of what she said.

"My mum, she wants just a family meal next week because she misses us so pack your bags for next weekend"

"She said just family" I reply, confused. 

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