Chapter 25

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It's been two whole weeks and Ace still hasn't caved

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It's been two whole weeks and Ace still hasn't caved. I've been trying so hard for him to cave but nothing. I've tried various types of things, lap dances, strip teases, I even slyly snuck into the shower with him but still nothing, the only this he gives up is his hands or his tongue both very amazingly satisfying but I need more. I know he wants it and surely holding off won't make a difference. 

This two weeks have been amazing with Ace even though he hasn't caved but since Asher hasn't been home a lot we've let down our guard which we shouldn't. We've probably done some hot and heavy stuff in every room well minus my brothers room cause well...let's face it, that's gross.

Asher is rarely home now, it's like he's avoiding me. He comes home to change then in a flash he's out again, to god knows where with god knows who. The amount of times he has ignored me is ridiculous, he runs straight for the door. I know he is hiding something from me and I will find out because he can't avoid me forever.

Ace and I are currently watching The Big Bang Theory, we've decided to watch the whole thing together, we would cuddle up each night watch a couple of episodes while eating too much junk food, by the third episode in we're making out on the couch like the horny teenagers we are. I just wish for once he would give it up but he keeps holding back. Normally a guy would want it straight away right?

"I'll get the popcorn" He kisses my cheek.

I follow him into the kitchen watching him as he reaches up for the popcorn box. His muscles flex and his t-shirt rides up showing his defined v-line. His tattoos showing through the white t-shirt and his grey sweatpants hanging low showing the top of his Calvin Klein boxers. Him doing simple things turn me on, I don't think I'll get over how beautiful he is. I lean over the counter watching him concentrate with his tongue hanging out as he opens the box, His concentration face is adorable, wonder what face he'd make when I'm bounc-

"Stop staring at me like I'm prey" He chuckles.


"I was not" I pull my fakest shocked face pretending to be offended.

"You've got some drool there" He points to the corner of my mouth. I quickly wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, I don't know why because I know I'm not actually drooling.

"Shut up!" I laugh and smack his chest.

"It's fine, baby, I watch you all the time", A boyish smile spreads across his face. I blush with his words. Oh god, It's amazing how much two weeks together can change the both of you while being in a small bubble. I want to try make him cave again, if it still doesn't work I officially give up and I'll wait until he makes the moves.

I pad behind him as he's watching the popcorn pop in the microwave, I snake my arms around his waist and plat a kiss on his back, he tenses up after my lips touch him. I run my fingers up and down his stomach over the top of his T-shirt, he sucks in a sharp breath looking at my hands moving slowly. 

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