Chapter 4

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"ASHER! Get off him!" I begin to sob as Ace holds me back.

"STAY OUT OF IT, CAM!" Asher lands one last punch on Steven's jaw.

"No!" I yell wiping my tears, It's horrible watching my brothers anger take over him and i have no idea why.

The music stops and everyone stares, Asher stands up and gives Steven one kick to his ribs and turns to Ace and I. I'm fuming, what the fuck just happened. He hasn't beaten people up before, well he has but not people that I've been involved with.

"Let go of me!" I try wiggle out of Ace's hold.

"Calm down" he calmly says holding me firmly in place, the difference is Asher and I have a temper and Ace doesn't so if he doesn't let me go so help me god.

"Take her home now!" Asher points shouting and Ace nods.

"NO!" I shout. I'm not in a good mood to be told what to do. I look down at Steven, his face is red with blood and busted. He's just laying on the ground in pain, I feel so sorry for him. If I knew this is how tonight would go i wouldn't have come.

Ace throws me over his shoulder when i don't comply to leave the normal way. He walks out towards his car as I squirm and shout repeatedly hitting his back. He places me into the passenger seat and clips the seat belt over me, he walks around to the driver seat.

Why isn't Asher coming with us? I'm so confused and mad at what i just witnessed. I actually liked Steven for the sort time i've known him and now I won't even be able to look him in the eye.

The ride to their apartment was silent, you could literally hear my heart beating fast with rage but i'm trying to stay calm and not go off on Ace. He isn't the one that hit Steven but he also is so far up Asher's ass that he won't tell me anything and it gets on my damn nerves.

We reach the apartment as soon as he parks the car, I stormed out and into the building, practically running up the stairs. 

"Cam!" I hear when I unlock the door. I slam it shut and slump onto the couch, like a five year old. Ace enters the living room and sits beside me with a huff.

"Why are you so mad?" his tone soft.

"Why am I mad? Why am I fucking mad!, you and Asher are ridiculous! The one guy I actually seem to like, you become protective and Asher beats him up because I kiss him! I hate you both!" I shout standing to my feet throwing my hands in the air, i hate having a short temper. 

"He didn't beat Simon up because of you" He scoffs letting out a low laugh.

"STEVEN!" I correct shouting at him. 

"Okay, calm down" he puts his arms up in surrender.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down, Ace!" I hiss.

"Okay, He beat him up for a reason. Not because you kissed him, you goon. Well maybe that is part of the reason but wasn't the main one" He shrugs.

"What was the main reason?" I grit my teeth eager to know.

"Ask your brother, its not my place" he simply says with a shrug on his broad shoulders.

"I hate you!" I stomp my feet walking to Aces room and slamming the door.

I can't believe what just happened. My head is spinning from the alcohol, it feels like I'm getting a hangover and I've not even been to sleep yet. I reach into my suitcase and take my favourite pajama shorts out. I should really find a place to put all my clothes. I slip my pajamas on and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get rid of the awful gritty feeling like the alcohol made them feel. Once I'm done I head back to the room.

"Cam!" Ace calls me.

"What?" I say standing at the living room archway.

"Goodnight" He says as he lays down on the couch with blankets and a pillow.

"Night" I bluntly say before leaving and going into Ace's room. I spread out onto his bed sinking into the comfortable thick mattress . I wonder where Ash is, why didn't he come home with us? Why did he hit Steven? I have so many questions but my head hurts and i need the sleep. I hope he comes home and tells me tomorrow, knowing him he wont tell me shit. I close my eyes hoping to sleep.

Seeing my brother so angry and repeatedly punch someone isn't a good sight. It keeps replaying in my head, It bothers me how calm Ace was. How can he stay so calm. Its been an hour of me trying to sleep and I can't, I hate when I can't sleep...I love sleep. I pick my phone up from the nightstand. 

ME: Are you awake?

ACE: Yeah, what's wrong?

ME: I can't sleep.

ACE: Why?

Me: Just a lot on my mind

I lay waiting for a reply. The door creaks open, I jolt up fast gasping holding my hand on my heart, "It's only me" Ace chuckles finding the bed in the dark. He probably looks ridiculous with his arms stretch out, slowly walking trying to find the bed.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, he lays down beside me under the duvet. I turn the beside lamp on to give some light into the dark room.

"It's my room" he quietly laughs, "I just want to talk to you, make sure you're okay"

"I'm fine" I lie. 

"Is it Steven?" he asks getting his name right for once.

"Wow, you know his name and of course it is" I answer. 

"He deserved it"

"Ugh, can you tell me why?"

"No, Asher will tell you" he says folding his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. 

"Where is he by the way?" I ask.

"With Rebecca or something, I know he's with a girl" he chuckles.

"Pig" I scoff "Why aren't you with a girl?" I question turning on my side to face him.

"I got stuck with your ugly ass" He smiles turning toward me.

"I hate you" I narrow my eyes.

"I hate you too" he smiles, "You're a loser" He jests.

"You're a little bitch" I joke back with a giggle, we stare into each others eyes for a few minutes before he speaks again "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am now" I smile. Speaking to him has actually taken my mind off everything that happened tonight. I feel confident and comfortable around him, It feels right when I talk to him. Feels right laughing and joking with him...It's just normal.

"I'm glad, get some sleep" he pulls himself up off the bed.

"Can you stay here? You know until I fall asleep just so I keep my mind off everything" I pout giving him sad eyes.

"Uhm, sure" he sighs and lays down again.

"Thanks" I turn the light off and close my eyes.

"You excited for your first class on Monday?" he asks.

"I am" I murmur as I begin to relax, my body is on the verge of sleeping. I'm much more at ease now. 

"Goodnight" he whispers when I drift off.


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