Chapter 19

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I hear rustling and the sound of a door creak open, I open my drowsy eyes looking towards the door. I see a black outline of a dark tall figure walking towards me "Ace?" I question rubbing the sleep out my eyes.

"Try again sweetheart" Josh's face comes to my view with moonlight shining through the cracks of the curtains.

I scatter up to the headboard curling my legs to my chest, my heart aches seeing him stride close and fast, "No, please don't!" I sob holding my knees tighter, shaking in fear.

He yanks my ankles dragging me down the bed. I let out a loud scream crying out for help, he pins me down as I thrash trying to get out his hold "Stay still, you slut!" He abuses, pinning me down.

"No, please!!" I cry.

I try thrashing again but he's stronger, way stronger than the last time. He grabs my throat tightly causing me to kick my legs uncontrollably. My heart pounds through my body as I try gasping for air.

He spreads my legs apart harshly causing me to wince in more pain with his harsh force, I try pushing him off continuing to try fight but it's no use. A belt buckle clanks and a zipper sounds the room while my cries become softer as I'm unable to breathe, he loosens his grip letting the smallest amount of oxygen in and I gasp.

He pulls down my shorts with one hand with such strength and the other hand is still located on my throat. He rips my panties off my body, I wince in pain letting tears run down my face still crying for help over and over again.

He roughly slams his length into me and I cry out again for Ace hoping he's come to help but all I hear is grunting from Josh and my cries circling the room. My body becomes limp shutting down as I stare towards the ceiling as he continues his assault on me. Why me? Why did I deserve this? He continues to roughly force himself in and out holding me tightly in place.

"Cam!" I hear a loud voice call out.

"Please stop!" my voice cracks allowing more tears to fall as my entire body feels weak.

"Camila!!" I feel my shoulders shake. I shoot my eyes open curling up near the headboard in fright, "Please stop!!" I scream out.

"Cam, it's me!" Ace's husky voice speaks.

"No, no, it's not" I say in disbelief clamping my eyes shut tightly as i shove my face into my knees.

"It's Ace, I swear. I won't hurt you" He murmurs.

I lift my head up from my knees, Ace is sat hesitantly on the edge of my bed looking full of worry "Ace?" My voice rough.

"It's me" He sighs in relief that I've snapped out my distress. I crawl over the bed onto his lap needing comfort, he allows wrapping his arms around me tightly "I'm here" He whispers in my ear.

We sit in silence for a few minutes before he finally speaks, "Are you going to be okay?"

I shake my head, "Please stay in here with me" I breathe, terrified.

"Okay" He purrs.

I climb off his lap to the top of the bed with my hands trembling from my nightmare, I tap the spot beside me for him to come, he crawls up laying down beside me. I pull the duvet over our bodies and lay my head on his chest as he pulls me closer, I tangle our legs together allowing myself to have a peaceful sleep.


I awake to an empty bed, I remember everything that happened. It sends a shiver down my spine causing me to feel nauseous. My stomach growls knowing I should eat. I pad to the kitchen, turn on the coffee machine and place bread into the toaster. I lean against the counter waiting.

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