Chapter 11

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I awake with the sound of loud chatting and clinking. I rub my eyes and sit up. I wince in pain. My whole body aches, I feel weak, my muscles hurt from head to toe and my head is pounding. I reach for my phone slowly that has been placed on my bedside table. I groan when it's dead, I put it on charge and stand to me feet slowly as pain runs through my whole body. I think a hot bath would help, I walk out the room making my way to the bathroom, I close and lock the door behind me.

I turn the hot tap and shake some vanilla bubble bath and some bath salts into the tub. I slip my pajamas off my body slowly, I look up into the mirror once completely naked. My eyes dart down to the light purple hand print bruise on my thigh, my eyes travel up my body landing on hickeys on my neck. I reach up running my fingers over the light hickeys, something wet touches my chest my eyes dart down, another drop of water drips on my chest as I look down, I look up in realisation that I'm crying. More tears stream down my face, I look away in disgust.

My stomach churns as the tears continue, I bend down in front of the toilet and the puke immediately comes out. I stand back up wiping my mouth, I don't want to look in the mirror again. I step into the steaming hot bath not flinching at it tingling on my skin, I sit down and turn the tap off. I pull my legs up to my chest and wrap my arms around to comfort myself. I begin to sob allowing my tears to come, with the thought of why me?

"Cam?" I hear light knocking on the door.

I wipe my tears and hold my breath stopping myself from crying "Yeah?" I squeak, trying my best to hold the tears back.

"Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine" My voice cracks.

"Cam, I..."

"I said I'm fine, I need time alone" I snap, I hear a small sigh and footsteps as he walks away from the door. I begin crying knowing Ace has told my brother. Why did this happen to me? The only conclusion I've got is I probably deserve it, I probably did something for this to happen to me. I shake my head pushing my thoughts back otherwise i'll cry all day, I lean back into the hot water trying to let myself relax. Once I'm dried and back into different pajamas, I pad back to my room wanting to go back to sleep.

"Cam, come here!" Ash shouts before I make it to my room. I know he'll just come into the room if I don't go into the kitchen. I make my way to the kitchen stopping at the doorway, Ash looks my way followed by Ace.

"Sit" Ash points to the island stool. I sit down not meeting his eyes or Ace's.

"What does this Josh kid look like?" He sternly says.

"I just want to forget about it" I sadden.

"No chance Camila! The little fucker deserves everything that he's away to get"

"No! I don't want to be the talk of college"

"He sexually assaulted you! He doesn't deserve to be breathing right now!"

"I'm aware of what happened Ash!" I shout.

"I can tell you're hurting Cam, I can see you've been crying and you've slept for hours! I'm not allowing him to get away with it whether you like it or not! So if you don't tell me what he looks like I'll find him a different way!" He slams his fists on the counter, I see anger through his eyes burning back into mine.

"Ace...please" I try pleading with Ace to help me.

"I'm with Ash on this one" He sighs not making eye contact.

"Do neither of you care what I want!"

"Not when someone hurts my little sister! I don't care what you want he is going to pay for what he did!" I scoff in response and storm away slamming the bedroom door behind me.

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