Chapter 39

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Ace's POV

I finally make it home to the apartment, it's completely silent when I walk through the door, which is unusual. Normal I hear Ash or Cam on Xbox, sometimes they're arguing.  "Ash! Cam!?" I yell walking down the hall into the living room. I thought they would be sitting in the living room, well Cam at least. Ash was hammered when I left he was draped over the counter, completely hungover. When I tried to wake him he groaned waving me away, I hope he's good. I was going to talk to him when I was back. I check the kitchen before and Ash isn't there where I left him. I check Ash and Cam's room but still nothing, I tap on the bathroom door lightly, it creaks open slowly.

 My heart begins to pound when I see blood on the floor and the bathtub full of light red water. Did something happen to Cam!? She's always one for taking bath so I know it's not Ash. FUCK FUCK FUCK! I take my phone off do not disturb and my notification come pouring in one after the other. Multiple phone calls from Camila and Asher. What the fuck is going on?


*Where are you!?*

*Camila is in hospital! I need you here, I'm freaking out. They won't let me see her yet!*

*Fucking pick up! You dickhead!*

*Where the fuck are you man!?*


My heart quicken reading that my Camila is hurt. Before I even register I'm in my car speeding to the hospital, I'll probably get a speeding ticket but I don't care. I'm such a fucking idiot, is this fucking karma for what I've done. It has to be. I'm going to lose my mind in a minute, my head is swirling, I can't think straight what if I lose her.

What if Josh got to her! Oh god..

Oh god, please no.

If he has I'll fucking kill him, I don't care what happens to me. When I reach the hospital ten minutes later, I rush through the doors going straight to the front desk where a young woman with strawberry blonde hair is sat.

"Tell me where Camila Reeves room is", I rush not caring that I sound rude.

"Camila Reeves", She repeats.

"Yes, that's what I said wasn't it!", I snap.

She types on her computer for a few seconds as her face begins to flush red, "Third floor, room 210", She softly speaks.

I leave as soon as she finishes speaking, I run up the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator, by the time I reach the third floor I'm breathing heavy. I burst through the stairwell stairs almost crashing into some old guy with a walking stick.

"Watch it, son", His raspy voice speaks, I'm guessing he's a heavy smoker with the tobacco smell that wafts my nostrils as I almost tramble him and his voice is so raspy. I ignore him rushing down the hall looking left to right for room 210, when I find it quickly turn the handle walking inside extremely out of breath.

"Ace?", Asher speaks looking up at me from the chair beside the hospital bed.

"I'm so sorry, my phone was on do not disturb" I admit. He looks over to the bed and my eyes follow his, my heartaches when I see a sleeping Cam on the white hospital bed. I walk over sitting on the chair opposite side of the bed from Ash. I want to grab her hand and lace my fingers through hers but I don't.

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