Chapter 37

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"Oh..Hi", I smile at Rebecca at she approaches our table, the way she sways her hips it's like she owns the room, dominates it. I can't lie, she is gorgeous. 

"How are you? I haven't seen you at any parties lately", She smiles sweetly. I have a feeling she's only nice to me because I'm Asher's little sister.

"I'm good, partying is just not my thing", I shrug. It's not my thing anymore due to what happened last time and now I'm having nightmares about the person who tried to rape me. I can feel the bile come up my throat as I think that he could have and if I continued frozen on the spot as he tired it would have happened. 

"Oh", she frowns at me, "Ace lives with you and your brother right?"

"Yeah?", I say raising a brow.

What do you want? Can't she just get to the point instead of looking at her expensive manicure. 

I know she'll want me to get Ash to contact her and I know he won't, he said he is fed up with her shit. "Well, the party was amazing like usual but Ace is ignoring me and I thought he wouldn't after what happened at the party, I thought he'd be calling for more by now, if you know what I mean" She winks and licks her lips. 


She continues, "Anyway, can you please get him to call or text me back and to stop avoiding me?" She pleas. 

A ping of jealousy hits my chest, I'm sure it's not what I'm thinking. Ace wouldn't do that, I know he wouldn't so I need to get it out my head. I guess I will just stop overthinking and not jump to conclusions, I'll just simple ask him for the reassurance. I'm sure she's just talking about the drugs she gave him which I'm not happy about but he apologised. 

"Sure", I give her the fakest smile I can muster. 

"Okay, well I'll see you later", She waves and rejoins the group of girls.

"I don't like her", Julia hisses. She never has, I chuckle and turn my attention back to the both of them. Michael takes our meals over, we dig in and I eat particularly fast and finish before them. I'm hungry and it was just too delicious. Aiden asks for the bill when we are all finished and Michael comes over placing it onto the table snaking a little smirks my way. We all pay for our own meal by sticking notes into the bill. Michael comes back over to collect the bill and slides a folded napkin towards me, I look up at him and he gives me a wink and walks off. He's bold. I look up at Julia and Aiden both dying to know what he gave me, I open the napkin up.

*I think you're incredibly gorgeous, here's my number. I hope to hear from you X -Michael*

He wrote his number at the bottom with a small smiley face at the end. I giggle liking the attention but I have Ace so, no thanks. I decided to let him down easy and wrote on the back of the napkin.

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