Chapter 30

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A light knock sounds on my door before they enter. They sit on the end of my bed. I didn't even sleep a wink. I sit up to see who it is. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" Ashers tone is quiet yet harsh as though he's been shouting or crying. He continues when I don't reply  "I was just trying to protect you.." He sighs. I can hear the hurt in his voice about everything that happened. "I wanted to protect you from the bad, even though we bicker and I make fun of you all the time, you're still my baby sister. I love you, you know?"

It's strange, my brother and I have never been the loving siblings and never said love yous to each other it just wasn't our thing. Fighting was our things, pulling pranks, bickering and toy fighting as mum told us to quit it incase we got hurt.

"I love you too" I simply reply, still feeling the heavy weight on my chest and shoulders from everything that happened last night.

"You forgive me?"

"Yeah, I understand..I guess" I say and he sighs in relief. I feel like I have to forgive him even though I hate that he kept it from me, he's my brother and I guess I should feel grateful that he has my back despite all the bickering growing up.

"Can I ask a question?", I ask desperate to know.

"Shoot" He smile slanted.

"What did he say to threaten or bribe you?", I ask what I've have been so desperate to know all night.

"He found out about the drugs and that I was selling, he said he would turn me in but I don't care about that anymore. He was being all lovey dovey with mum and it pissed me off, she deserves better, she deserves the best just like you do" He says looking at his scarred knuckles the whole time.

"I hate him, how could he do that to mum. Was it only one time know?" I awkwardly ask as bile threatens to come up.

"I caught them once at couple of days before graduation, I was mortified. I ran to Ace's all freaked out and he calmed me down, worst thing is you and mum were out shopping for his birthday gift and he was fucking cheating. I then caught them again before she left for college, I flipped my shit and dad pinned me against the wall threatening me and I told Skye to never talk to you again, I got mad when I found out she contacted you at the beginning of college, I stopped that straight away, I'm sorry"  He admits.

"Don't be sorry, I just hate them both" I bark. They both disgust me and I hate that my father made Ash keep it a secret this whole time, he really is low to threaten his son.

I've calmed down and regret what I said to Ace but I just wish they would have told me instead of keeping in all along. I will talk to Ace when I've made sure my family are okay first. I was so confused and hurt and I didn't know my dad would do this to my lovely mother. I thought he loved my mother with all his heart but he's just a liar. He doesn't deserve someone as sweet and caring like my mother. Ash is right she deserves much better.

"Where is dad?" I ask feeling the anger rise as I call him dad.

"He left last night, when you left he tried punching me but Ace got him first, that's when he stormed out" He chuckles feeling at ease as his shoulders are no longer tense.

"Really?" I laugh.

"Yeah, an uppercut. A good one too", Our laughter fills the room.

"Good. Prick" I say through laughter. I'm glad Ace punched my dad, he deserved it and I'm glad he's always there to protect Ash, I love that he's always so quick to protect this family especially Asher.

"Mum hasn't came out her room yet", He saddens becoming serious.

I feel my stomach drop thinking about my mother locking herself in her room all night, "I'm going to go see her", I say leaving my childhood room as Asher lays back on the bed allowing me to have girl talk with mum.

I tap twice on the door lightly with my knuckles, "Hey mama, it's me" I softly speak. I use to call her Mama all the time and still do from time to time, I can see the simple word warms her heart. The door unlocks and I slip inside, she drags her body back over to the bed and lays down, holding her arms out for me to go cuddle her. I feel like sting in my eyes as I pad to the bed into her embrace, none of us say a word, she just runs her hands through my hair like she use to when I was younger and couldn't fall asleep on my own.

"I'm sorry, mum", I coo finally breaking the silence.

"It's not your fault, baby" She kisses my forehead. I feel like it was kind of my fault because she was my best friend. I introduced them. I never would have thought Skye had a thing for my father and It sickens me that he entertained it.

"I love you" I whisper with a crack in my voice.

"I love you so much", She kisses my forehead again. I fall asleep in my mother's arms after a few minutes of silence. I guess all I really needed was my mum.

"Mum, Cam, I made supper", Asher's soft tone wakens myself and my mother up. We all go down stairs and sit at the dining table.

"Where is Ace?", My mother asks before tilting her cup of water into her mouth.

"He went home last night", Asher shrugs.

"Oh, why didn't you invite him over?"

"Didn't think you'd want him here" He replies.

"Don't be silly, he's family" He is family and I feel bad for the harsh words I spoke because I was angry and upset. My mother has always been fond of Ace. She says he's a bucket full of sunshine because of how happy he is all the time.

"Okay, I'll go text him now" He pulls out his phone and begins typing fast. He's never off that thing. Once we've all ate, I wash the dishes as Ash and mother are watching tv on the couch having alone time together. I'll join after I've cleaned up the kitchen which is therapeutic right now, It's giving me time alone with my thoughts and I told my mother I would do it so she could relax.

I hear the front door open and close. I hear a loud "Hey, bro!" From my brother which sends a shiver down my spine because I know Ace has arrived.

A few second pass, my gaze focused on the evening sky as cars pass by every now and then, I hear chatter in the living room as my mind drifts to everything that happened last night. I hear a soft "Hello" from behind me which makes me jump with a gasp falling from my lips.

I turn my head keeping my hands in the warm soapy water, "Hi" I turn away feeling embarrassed from my outburst last night. I've been trying to think of the best apology but I was harsh last night and I know it was wrong. Every apology I come up with is pathetic and doesn't even reach how bad or sorry I feel.

"How you feeling?", He asks walking over and leaning against the counter beside me. My eyes not meeting his brown ones as I look down at the soapy water.

"I'm better thanks. How are you...doing?" I ask quietly.

"Could be better", He chuckles rubbing the back of his neck which makes me finally look up to him.


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