Chapter 8

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"Fuck off" I bark barging past Aces shoulder.

He grabs my arm pinning me against the wall and I yelp in surprise. My breath hitches and my mouth all of a sudden becomes dry, his eyes dart to my lips as I lick them.

"Cam" He says still eyeing my lips. I wiggle out of his hold grabbing his neck and pulling him down towards me, I crash my lips against his, he kisses me back instantly, he let's out a small hum as our lips move in sync. He pulls back quickly pinning me back onto the wall, my arms pinned at either side of me.

"Why did you do that!?" He breathlessly says.

"I don't know" I try catching my breath, my voice coming out hoarse. 

"Don't do that again" He sternly says.

He rushes off out the front door, slamming it shut. I stand in shock, I have no idea why I did that or what came over me? It hurts that he run off and said to never to it again, was I a bad kisser? Was he not interested because of my brother? The more I spend time with him the more I feel the sexual tension, it's building up more and more each time. Surly it isn't just me feeling it, was it? Was my mind playing tricks on me? Fuck, I'm so stupid.

"Ugh!" I groan in frustration.

I walk to my..well Aces room and go over notes from class to keep my mind off things before I go to sleep. Why am I all of a sudden attracted to Ace, was it because I'm spending more time with him? I'd do anything to kiss him again and have his rough hands run down my body..

No Cam, that can't happen.

It's strange I never felt this way with Brandon in the whole two years we dated. I've been staring at my notepad for ten minutes and I'm still thinking about him so that didn't work at all. I walk into the kitchen pouring myself a glass of milk, I sit on the couch turning on friends again.

"Ross nooooo, fucking stupid! " I shout at the TV. I'm on season 3 episode 15. The one where Ross sleeps with that stupid Xerox girl. I'm on Rachel's side but I get where Ross is coming from.

I hear keys unlock the door and it slams shut, I hear faint moans coming from the hall, stupid Ash. I stand to my feet hoping to embarrass my brother with my presence and I stop in my tracks as I see Ace pinning a girl up against his bedroom door sucking at her neck, I feel anger course through my veins.

I go to take a step when he suddenly opens the door dragging her inside. That's my fucking room! Well it is now! Fucking asshole. I should storm in there and claim my room back but I know I can't because it's actually not my room.

"Ace!" I hear the girl moan and I immediately cover my ears. I dash for the front door and slam it shut. What the actual fuck? Am I jealous? You know what, no I'm fucking not. I'm not jealous! I should storm back in and do what I was doing, watching my favourite sitcom and drink my god damn milk!

"Cam?" I hear a familiar voice, I snap out my thought seeing my brother standing with keys in his hands, "What you doing?" He asks reaching for the door and unlocking it.

"Ace is in there!" I raise my voice.

"Huh?" He walks inside and I follow.

"He's got a girl there" I whisper gesturing to his bedroom door.

"So?" He shrugs throwing his keys in the bowl on the side table.

"Uh Ace!" the girl moans while Ash walks into his room. Why doesn't this faze him? I stride into the living room turning up the volume and pressing play, I sip on my milk and just ignore the noises around me.

It's been about ten minutes...I think since I last heard her stupid moans, I've begun another episode so maybe more than ten minutes. 

"Oh, you're here" I hear Ace say behind me.

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