Chapter 6

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When we get in I sit down on the couch scoffing down my McDonald's. "Hmmm" I moan, I love food. Ace disappeared to the bathroom as soon as we walked through the door. He was acting strange the whole ride home, probably annoyed him like he does me.

After I eat my McDonald's, I turn Netflix on to watch Prison Break which is my favorite show right now. Yum Micheal Scofield. After I've almost done an entire episode Ace comes striding in with his dark brown curly damp hair with grey joggers and no t-shirt, showing off his defined V-line and faded six pack. He was never really the person to work out like his brothers, normally he would sit on his ass, smoke weed and play video games. 

He has a skull rose tattoo to the right of his chest with a few individual tattoos going down his right arm. I've never seen his chest tattoos before, it's weird but so hot. It has been years since I've seen him with his t-shirt off. Us four, Ash, Ace, Skye and I would play in our pool in the the backyard in the summer, you couldn't separate us until Asher and Ace went to high school. I was a cheerleader while they were stoners, I would still hangout with them of course but not like we did when we were kids. He is so hot now..something has changed.

"You okay?" Ace asks as he sits beside me. Oh god was I was staring at him this whole fucking time. What is wrong with me? I want to run my hands through his damp hair and down his broad chest. 

Fuck I still haven't said anything, speak Cam. SPEAK!

"Huh?" what? Is that all I've got, why am I so flustered?

"Are you okay?" he looks deeply into my eyes, oh god those beautiful brown eyes.

"Yes" I nod leaning back turning my attention to the television. A loud slam of the door causes me to jump.

"Hey guys" Asher walks into the living room.

"Hi" I mumble sinking back into the couch, if Ash knew the dirty stuff I imagine about Ace right now...lets just say he'll go nuts and punch something because it's weird

"Where have you been bro?" Ace asks Asher. In response Ash raises his brows up and down with a smirk.

"Who this time?" Ace asks, as I try to ignore.

"Tilly" He smirks.

"Nice" he bro fists Asher. Ugh that's disgusting.

"I won't be here tonight" Ace chuckles itching the back of his neck.

"Classes start tomorrow" I butt in.


"Who?" Asher questions.

"Beth" He shrugs.

I stand and walk to Aces room not wanting to hear anymore, I change into my cute panda short pyjamas and prepare for my classes tomorrow, I'm so exited to start classes. I wonder if I'll make friends, will I get along with people? What if people hate me, I'm totally over thinking this everything will be fine. I place my notepads and markers into my backpack, along with other essentials.

A light knock sounds my ears and i look towards the door, "Come in" I raise my voice loud enough for whoever it is to hear. 

The door opens slowly revealing a chipper Ace, why is he so darn happy all the time. Its irritating, like who is happy all the time?

"Hey, I just came in for clothes" He whispers walking to his chest of drawers, why is he whispering like I'm sleeping. 

"Okay, why are you whispering? " I respond.

"Oh I..uhmmm, I don't know. I cleaned out a drawer and some space in the closet for your stuff by the way. I tried convincing Ash to give you his room but he wasn't having any of it" He softly chuckles.

"Thanks" I half smile. I walk to my suit case and bag, pulling out underwear to place in the drawer. Ace stands beside me with a black t-shirt in his hand staring at me, like i'm a ghost. 

"What?" I ask holding my hands up with my black thong in my hand. You think I would be embarrassed or something but it's only panties and i've known him forever. 

"" he clears his throat.

"Are you okay?" I giggle. Hes acting really strange.

"Yeah...I'm cool" he sways on his feet.

"O..kay" I narrow my eyes at him.

"I'm gonna go" he picks up a pair of Jean and rushes out the room. Does he like not like me anymore, I don't understand. He was acting strange earlier and then now. Maybe he's trying to act nice about me stealing his room and it actually annoys him. I shrug it off with the thought of Oh well, and i begin to place my clothes away in the empty drawer. 

I crawl into the bed under the duvet and decide to call Skye. She doesn't pick up so I figured she may be busy. I reach over plugging my charger into my phone, I turn off the lights and get comfortable letting sleep take over me.


"Psssst" I loud noise interrupts my peaceful sleep.

"Ughhh" I groan opening my eye slowly. I was having a good ass sleep with a good dream. It was thanksgiving and my plate was stacked with food.

"Did I wake you?" Ace slurs. I turn my head as he's lays beside me on his back.

"Noooo, I was wide awake" I say full of sarcasm.

"I can't sleep" he continues to slur, a drunk Ace...fantastic. I can smell the whisky from here with a hint of aftershave.

"What do you want?" I ask. I'm annoyed he woke me up, I probably won't be able to continue the fantastic dream.

"Can we have one of our late night talks til i fall asleep" he whispers the latter part.

"Thought you weren't staying here tonight?" I whisper back.

"Meh, she was boring. I got what I wanted and left" I see the outline of his shoulders shrug through the darkness.

"Ew, you're disgusting" I roll away from him.

"Don't be like that" He whines touching my hip pulling me to face him, my heartbeat quickens with his touch.

Jesus! what is happening?

"Sorry" he says in realisation of his sudden touch, the heat that was creeping up slowly is now fading away.

"It's fine" I want his hand back on me, I want to feel his touch. I reach for his hand without another thought and place it back on my hip, he grips tightly pulling me closer, our face only inches away. He was just with another girl yet I want his touch on me despite that, I think i may be going insane. 

My heartbeat quickens once again as I feel his warm breath fan my face, his Dior aftershave strong as it hits my nostrils. I move in closer, inching believably closer. Are we going to kiss? 

"Ace" I practically beg. He removes his hands quickly and jolts up off the bed. What did I do? Why did I do that? 

"I..I...I need to go" he stutters stepping vastly for the exit. We were going to kiss and I ruined it. Why did I want to kiss him so bad, I shouldn't be feeling that way nor ever feel that way. I just feel pure lust for him right now, I can't be alone with him again or else god knows what will happen. 


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