Chapter 18

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"Where's your roommate!" Aiden asks Julia.

"No idea, she's never here" She shrugs and sits on her desk chair, Aiden and I sit on her bed.

"Let's have a sleepover this weekend" I enthuse. I'm not really up for having sleepovers but I'll do anything to not see Ace right now.

"Yes!" Julia shouts in excitement.

"Sure, where though?" Aiden questions.

"Julia's, she said her roommate is never here" I look towards Julia hoping she says yes.

"Yeah, it will be so fun. We can watch movies and eat loads of candy" She jumps up and down.

Aiden and I look at one and other then burst out laughing at how enthusiastic Julia is. I envy her, she's always happy and excited even about the small things and a bonus..she's gorgeous, maybe she should be with Ace, they're both super happy people and me well I'm dull and hot headed. Why am I thinking this way he literally called me a slut to my face, I shouldn't let him bring me down. He wouldn't deserve Julia he would just hurt her like he did me.

"Earth to Cam" Aiden waves his hand in front of my face.


"We we're thinking start the sleep over tonight instead of tomorrow" Julia smiles.

"Yeah sure, I'll go home and get my stuff"

"You want a ride? I need to get my stuff too" Aiden asks, standing up and pulling at his jeans that have ridden up to his calves a little.

"No, I'm fine walking", truth is I need to stop being so lazy. I've put on so much weight and there is no harm in losing it, and returning what I once had which is a banging body.

"You sure?"

"Yeah" I give him a reassuring smile.


Once I walk through the door I went straight to my room to pack clothes, "Where you going?" Ash shouts from the living room as I walk down the hall. How did he even know?

"How'd you know I was going somewhere?" I smile standing at the living room archway.

"I know my sister duh"

"Yeah whatever, I'm staying at Julia's this weekend"

"Yeah I know Julia told me, just you and Julia?" He asks, his elbow resting on the armrest of the single chair as he looks at my way with a blank expression.

"And Aiden, wait Julia told you?"

"Yes and you're not staying with a boy" He hisses.

"Julia will be there"

"I don't care!" He sternly says practically growling at me.

"Asher, calm down" I scoff smacking him in the back of the head.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?" He rubs the back of his head.

"I'm going, so stop trying to tell me what to do" I snap.

"Didn't have to hit me so hard, damn!"

I chuckle "Bye!!" I shout before leaving.


My eyes become heavy while we're watching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, I look to Julia's nightstand clock 2:00 am, it feels later. I look to the right of me, Julia is fast asleep on her roommates bed. I look at the floor to where Aiden is, he's curled up, tangled in blankets fast asleep. I feel bad that he's on the floor but he insisted and wanted to let the girls take the beds. I didn't realise I was the only one still up, I stand to my feet and tiptoe around Aiden to the monitor sitting on the desk pointing towards two beds, I turn it off and pad back to the bed allowing sleep to take over me.

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