Chapter 35

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"Morning", I chirp striding into the kitchen.

"Why you happy?", Ash groans. He's clearly not a morning person and neither am but I'm sticking with positivity. 

"I am going shopping with Julia to get presents today", I have an idea what to get everyone except Ace but I'm terrible at gift giving, always have been.

"And that makes you happy?", He screws his face up like it's the worst thing in the world, he's worse than me at gift giving...he gave me a battery pack for my xbox controller last year and said "Go nuts" as he handed me a pack of sour patch kids. 

"Yes, I haven't went shopping in a while" I shrug and It will be nice to spend time with Julia, I've really been lacking lately since Ace and I got together and ditching friends when in a relationship isn't me. 

"Weirdo", He replies and I roll my eyes. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit next to Ash at the island counter.

"Where is Ace?" I ask curiously. Normally he's sitting here beside Ash in the morning when he leaves the room.  

"I don't know" He shrugs.

"Oh, thought you would have"

He was with me all last night and this morning, he is still acting strange but I could just be over thinking like usual and I don't want to dwell on it. When he left the room this morning I really thought he would have been here with Ash but I guess not, it is strange that he isn't. 

"Why? I'm not his boyfriend", Ash scoffs.

"Probably are" I chuckle.

"Yeah, you're right he is my boyfriend. I can't live without him and I keep tabs on him all the time because I'm just so worried about all the girls throwing themselves at him...he's the best sex I've ever had" He says in a girly voice full of sarcasm.

"Ha-ha", Jokes on him I am actually his girlfriend and I know loads of girls want him but I trust him so you snooze you lose girls and boys. Once I'm finish my cereal. I take a quick shower before getting ready. I change into black ripped jeans, black and white nike hoodie with black huaraches that I haven't worn in a very long time. I let my hair dry into my natural waves, I do light makeup because I'm only going shopping so I don't need to go all out.

"Cam! Jules is here", Ash shouts.

Jules huh...I'm not completely oblivious unlike him.

I head down the hall and into the living room, Ash is sitting on the single chair and Julia is standing at the archway. "Come on" I say.

"You want a ride to the mall?", Ash blurts out.

"We were going to take the bus so...yeah duh", I state.

When we're all sitting in the car, it's slightly awkward but I only know it's because they are shagging and think they're being sly. Bitch, they thought. I chuckle to myself. "What?" Ash barks.

"Nothing", I shrug. Once dropped off we make our way through the mall. I give Ace a quick text asking if he is okay because I haven't heard from him. Once it's delivered I slip my phone into my back pocket and focus on Christmas presents for everyone and finding Ace the perfect gift which he deserves for being there for me. 

"Has Aiden spoken to you lately?", I ask Jules.

"Yeah, He has. Have you not?" She questions in a saddened tone.

"No, I did text him but he hasn't gotten back", I admit. If he has spoken to Julia why not me? Have I done something wrong?

"I'm surprised he didn't tell you", She sounds shocked.

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