Chapter 45

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"I said I'm fucking sorry! I'm trying Camila, so fucking hard!", He yells throwing his hands in the air leaning towards me, "Yes! I lost a baby too and I do fucking care

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"I said I'm fucking sorry! I'm trying Camila, so fucking hard!", He yells throwing his hands in the air leaning towards me, "Yes! I lost a baby too and I do fucking much! But I'm just glad you're here waking up every single day! But this!!", He points to the bag he's holding, "THIS! isn't going to help!", His face red with anger.

"You don't know what it feels like, Ace! You expect me to fall into your arms after what you did to me! Your actions caused you to lose me! But I'm the fucking one that lost that little baby! I was the one stressed causing ME to lose this tiny little baby I could have had and for that I hate you! You remind me of that tiny baby and I just can't take it!" I scream my eyes brimming with tears.

"I'm sorry...I'm so fucking sorry! Okay! I know you hate me, I can see it in your eyes! I don't know what to do to make you feel better but these drugs won't help you! I wish I could help and I wish you would let me, I fucking miss you Camila! But I can't seem to find you...where are you!? Because you're different! You're not Camila", He places his hand on his chest as his eyes become watery.

"I don't fucking care!", I scream but he cuts me off.

"Baby! Please, I know you hate me now but I feel like I'm dying without you and seeing you hurt yourself with THIS..", He holds the bag up, "It's causing me to die faster! I know you're hurting ab...", I cut him off.

"Stop! Just fucking stop!", I sob. I don't want to argue anymore, I just want it to all stop, I just want my pain to go away, I want everything to go away. 

"No! We need to fix this because I can't sit here and watch!", He yells more.

I push hard on his chest again through my blurry vision, "Stop!", I push his chest again "Stop.Stop.Stop!!", I ball my eyes out falling to the floor in front of him finally breaking for the first time in a month. I didn't want this to happen, my emotions are getting the best of me. I was doing so well, but I just...couldn't keep it in any longer with him piercing through ears.

"Camila...", he falls to the floor taking me into his embrace tightly while stroking my hair trying to calm me, "I'm so fucking sorry", His words coming out in sobs.

"I can't do this, Ace. It hurts too much", my crying becoming louder as I'm unable to control it.

"I know, baby", he inhales a sharp breath. 

We continue to cry for a few moments, he pulls back tilting my head to look towards him but my eyes are shut tightly closed. I don't want to open my eyes and come back to reality, I just want to end it...all of it.

"Camila, look at me", His voice cracks.

I shake my head before pulling away and standing to my feet, I pad towards the bathroom not wanting to talk anymore or even think anymore, I don't even want to look at him any longer. I shut the door to the bathroom, making sure to lock it. I lean against the door and slide down, no more tears come as if I'm all dried out.

I hate my life.

I want it all to end but I know how much it would hurt my family so I wouldn't dare do the thoughts I've been thinking. I hear movement outside the door and a light bang on the door, I know Ace is outside doing the exact same thing as me while resting his head against the door.

"You think losing the baby doesn't affect me, it does but losing you affects me more...", He admits with a husky shaky voice, "If you talk about it you'll feel better and I know you don't want to talk but it's the best thing to do", I stand to my feet and  pad over to the bath turning the tap on, draining Ace's voice out with running water.

"Camila...please", I hear him faintly say.

I go to the sink looking myself in the mirror, my cheeks are red and puffy, my pupils are huge and my eyes are glossy red. I officially look like shit.

"You don't need to talk to me, just talk to anyone...someone", He says louder.

I unlock the door and open it, he falls back smashing his back against the floor. Something like that before would have made me laugh but I'm in no laughing mood.

He stands to his feet quickly looking into my sad distraught eyes, "I told you, I don't want to talk" I tell him again, my voice quiet. 

He begins to open his mouth to say something but I cut him off before he could, "Just leave me alone, Ace", I beg.

"I will, only if you promise me one thing", he sadly says and I nod unsure.

"You stop the drugs and talk to someone...", He requests, "If you agree, I'll leave you alone...for good, I mean it", the look on his face seem to not want to follow through but he looks so desperate as if he'll do anything to help me.

His phone begins to ring, he pulls his phone out of his back packet putting it on mute and placing it on the sink turning his attention back to me. I look at his phone screen, it's his mum. Why would she be calling at this time?

"Aren't you going to answer?", I quietly ask with hoarse voice.

"No, you're more important", He shakes his head, he takes my hand into his gently rubbing his thumb across my knuckles, "Promise me?"

I want to cry again, why am I always crying!? I thought I was done crying. I'm so fed up!

"I-", my phone begins to ring from my room but I ignore just like he did, "I p-", his phone begins to vibrate on the sink.

He huffs picking it up to answer, "What!?", He angrily answers.

His facial expression changes from angry to sad within seconds, his eyes staring towards the floor.

"Ma, it's fine. I'll be there soon", His voice cracks. He hangs up looking into my eye, his mouth hangs open as his eyes begin to water. It's like he can't form a sentence as he stares at me. 



Felt inspired again so here's another emotional chapter😢

What did Ace's mother say on the phone?

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