Chapter 41

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Ace's POV

I drag myself down the steps slowly one by one rubbing the sleep from my eyes. When I enter the kitchen with my eyes half open I sit down on the stool at the island counter.

"Morning, sleepyhead", Ma softly speaks with a small smile.

"Hmm, what?", I groan shoving my face into my hands still feeling extremely tired.

"It's 3pm", She informs me.

"So?", I shrug. Why does it matter what time it is?

"You've been here for three weeks, what are you running away from?", She asks.

"I'm not running from anything", I lie. I can't sleep in the same apartment as Cam and Ash acting like I've not completely fucked everything up.

"Darlin' you've been sleeping till noon, you haven't been back to college and you're never out your room", She tells me what I already know.

"That doesn't mean anything...okay", I stand up and walk to the coffee machine pouring myself a cup.

"You can tell me anything, you know that don't you?", She saddens looking down at her own coffee mug.

I know it's best to talk to someone but it's hard talking about her, I guess I won't need to tell my ma who it is. I sigh, sitting back down. "I uhm..I fucked up, Ma"

"With what? college?", She tilts her head watching me as I become a nervous reck.

"I fucked up...with a girl", I admit as my voice becomes shaky.

"Apologise to her?", She says as if it's that easy.

"I did, I didn't just fuck up..I fucked up like fucked it, big time", I shake my head from the imagines that flash through my mind of the things I regret.

"I'm sure she will forgive you"

I wish.

"No, not for what I did to her", I look down with disgust flowing through my veins.

"What did you do?", She asks.

"I cheated, lied and made her promise not to leave me and gave her a promise ring for her not to suspect anything", I confess waiting for the judgment but it doesn't come.

"Why did you do that?", She questions.

Because I'm a dickhead.

"I'm an idiot, I was on drugs and drunk. It was a stupid mistake and I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life, Ma. I love her so fucking much and I fucked it", My lips trembles as I speak of her. I thought it would be easier if I didn't say her name but she's still in my head snaking her way through all my thoughts, every time I speak I imagine her response. I miss her like mad and it's slowly driving me crazy.

I miss her long brown hair sprawled over my chest in the morning, I miss her big brown eyes that sparkle and her soft lips that I'd just kiss because I could. I miss her chunky thighs that she doesn't mind, I love her giggly attitude along with her moody one. I miss her getting annoyed at me for the small things I do, I miss my arms around her waist holding her tight and her legs tangled in mine. I just miss her, All of her! Everything about her. This three weeks have been hell without her.

"We'll talk about the drug thing later but you love her?", She asks.

"You have no idea how much", I sigh and she nods as if she already knew my answer.

"Then win her back, show her how much she means to you. If you love her.. show her. It was wrong what you did but you can make it up to her and show her how much she means to you"

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