Chapter 38

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For the first time in a while I've woken up feeling completely fine. I'm guessing my bug has finally left me alone, I guess the pills I've been taking have finally helped. When I woke up I noticed Ace wasn't in bed beside me, he is probably with Ash. When I entered the kitchen, Ash is sleeping face down on the island counter with beers scattered beside him. I smack him in the back of the head and he grunts out, "Why?" 

"Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you?", I sarcastically say.

"Fuck off", He groans finally lifting his head up to look my way. I begin to clean up the kitchen as he watches. Why is he in such a bad mood?

Thanks for the helping clean by the way.

He rubs his temples and groans, obviously hungover. "Hungover?" I chuckle and he scowls.

"Why were you even drinking?", I ask once I've finished cleaning up all the beer cans.

"I think I fucked it", He shoves his head in his palms in frustration. 

"Fucked what?"

"A girl I like told me she loved me and I told her to fuck off", He huffs.

"Why would you do that?", Is he stupid?

"I don't know", He shrugs. He actually told Julia to fuck off. Poor Jules, I knew he would hurt her.

"Well get her back, idiot" I scowl.

"I don't think she'll take me back and I don't know if I love her...yet", He rolls his eyes.

"Stop being a baby about it and at least try and tell her the truth"

"No, I'm going out so I don't have to listen to your shit",  He barks leaving the kitchen. Wow, I'm only trying to help. I wonder where Ace is. I'll just call him.

I go to my room to fetch my phone and begin to call him, it rings four times before it goes to voicemail, how odd. I try again but it doesn't ring at all, It goes straight to voicemail. I sigh taking my phone to the kitchen incase he calls me. He's either on the phone or declining my call. While eating my cereal my phone begins to ring and I answer straight away.

"Hello" I squeak.

"Hi, sweetie. You all ready to come tomorrow?", My mothers tone is full of excitement.

"Yeah I am", I enthuse matching her excitement. I missed my mother but I am nervous about Christmas since all that stuff with my father happened and now he has moved out it won't be the same like it use to be. I'm still angry about it, who wouldn't be. 

"I miss you", My mother saddens.

"I miss you too, mum"

I use to be so close with my father much more than my mother but I see myself being closer to my mother more now, I can't see it going back to the way things were. The conversation goes on with my mother for an hour, we talk about Christmas and all the fun things we'll do together like bake Christmas treats and watch movies. She asked about Ash but I just said he was out.

Ace still hasn't gotten back by the time I end the call which is strange. It's beginning to make me paranoid. My mind is running wild with so many things that could be wrong. I'm worried about Christmas coming up. I'm worried about where Ace is, where is he? Is he mad at me? what if something is actually wrong with Ash and I'm assuming it's Julia, is he nervous about Christmas too, I'm sure he is since he actually caught my father in the act. Baths have been helping me a lot to relax and release stress so I think I'll go for one. When I stand up I get an unbearable cramp in my lower stomach.

"Ahhh!", I clench my stomach curling over as I do so. I must be away to get my periods, I'm sure that's what it is right? I breath through the pain snatching my phone off the counter and rushing to the bathroom in painful strides. I turn the tap on the bathtub and the pain suddenly goes away and I stand up straight.

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