Chapter 13

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Camila's POV

It's been a whole long week of classes, I have so much studying to do it's ridiculous. I still haven't spoke to Ace after he rejected me, he's tried talking to me but I've ignored him completely and only talked to Ash. Childish I know but to be honest I'm just so embarrassed of what I did and how he acted, i thought he would want to go further. 

I've always had a minor crush on Ace but I didn't do or say anything because I had a boyfriend and plus Ace would always picked on me and played pranks on me with my brother so that pissed me off but these past few weeks he's been somewhat nice so I won't be surprised if that changes.

I'm on my way to Julia's dorm room to study, It bums me out that I've tried calling Skye but she hasn't gotten back to me and I miss her like crazy. I wish she was here with me or I was with her but Aiden and Julia have been amazing friends.

I knock on Julia's room, she swings it open in excitement "Hi" She beams, damn someone is a little too excited to study. She moves to the side allowing me inside.

"Hey" I smile walking in.

"What would you like to do first?" She asks pulling out different textbooks.

"I'm having trouble with Econ" I shrug.


"Yeah don't make fun of me" I sternly say.

"I swear I'm not" She smiles softly.

We begin to study and Julia helps me a lot, she really knows her stuff, "Have you spoke to Ace yet?" She asks. I told her what happened, she has this weird theory that he likes me but I know that's bull otherwise he wouldn't say Don't do that again. 

"No, I'm still ignoring him"

"Has he tried talking to you?"

"Yeah of course but I still ignore him" I laugh.

"Oh, he'll get angry soon"

"No, Ace doesn't get angry which is annoying"

"Never" She rose a brow.

"Never, I've never once seen him angry. He's different compared to Ash and I, were both hot heads" I giggle.

"How is Ash?" She asks looking down tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, weird it's like she's became shy.

"He's good I guess"

"That's good" She smiles shyly.

"Why?" I grin.

"Why what?" Her head snaps towards me.

"Why ask, do you like him?" I tease.


"I'm kidding" I giggle. I can tell by her reaction she likes him but I won't push it nor embarrass her.

"Oh" She giggles. I've never seen her shy before it's crazy just because of my brother.

"Let's finish this" I smile, she nods and we continue to study.


"Hey, where have you been?" Ash asks as I walk into the kitchen

"With Julia studying" I pour myself a glass of orange juice.

"Hey ugly" Ace spoke entering the kitchen.

"Well, goodnight Ash" I sweetly speak downing my drink and barge past Ace.

"Damn, she's been cold to you all week" I hear Asher's voice speak.

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