Chapter 3

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I do my makeup darker than usual, full coverage foundation with black thick eyeliner and some dark brown eye shadow, I'm definitely going out my comfort zone. I just want to look hot for my first party of the year. I pull out my black dungaree dress with a red t-shirt for underneath.

I look in the mirror after I'm dressed and smile, yeah I'm small in height only being 5 feet 4. I've got small boobs and thicker legs and an ass but I love my body and I love to eat so I couldn't give a shit. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail and apply some lip gloss before taking my shoes out and slipping them on, i don't want to wear heels and be dying at the end of the night. I've officially stole Aces room he hasn't said anything but he's so chilled so I don't think he actually cares.

I skip out of Aces room down the hall and into the living room feeling kind of excited to meet new people. Asher and Ace are playing Call of Duty, they don't even see me come in, I creep up behind them standing behind the couch in stance to scare the shit out of them.

"Boo!" I shout and touch Asher's shoulders with a firm grip.

"FUCK!" Ash shouts as he jumps up clenching his fists towards me. Ace just turns and looks my way, he didn't even get scared, weirdo.

"Jesus, why the fuck?" Asher sits back down on the couch scowling. 

"Funny" I reply laughing with a shrug.

"Where you going?" Ace looks me up and down as I walk around the couch.

"A party with Steven, remember?"

"Dressed like that?" Asher laughs, I look down at my outfit. What the hell is wrong with the way am dressed. Yes, it's different and i haven't wore anything like this before but i thought it was cute at the mall.

"What's wrong with it?" I fiddle with hem.

"Bit short" Ace says looking me up and down again lingering at my hands where i'm fiddling with the hem.

"No, it isn't" I growl, feeling attacked. Why can't they just compliment me for once.

"Go change" Asher says focusing back onto the game.

"Nope" I pop the 'P'.

A loud knock on the front door gains my attention, "He's here so am leaving, see you dickheads later" I scoff walking out the room. They cant tell me what to wear and what not to wear, it's not even revealing. The crackpot weirdos. 

I open the door to find Steven standing with his hands in his pockets, as soon as he sees me his jaw drops and his eyes scan over my body, lingering on my legs. Flattering but making me sort of insecure which isn't like me.

"Hi" I smile.

"Hey, you ready?" he asks sliding his palms down his dark ripped jeans.

"Yeah, let's go" I close the door behind me.

On the drive we made small talk to get to know one and other, I found out he has a younger sister that is thirteen and he said she's a little brat which made me laugh. He also told me he has a dog named Luka and his favourite colour is blue, he loves football which he got a scholarship to this very college. I notice he has firm muscles that I didn't notice before, He's so charming and he's just overall gorgeous. I think I may be in trouble if all guys look like this in college, i bet all the girls are beautiful..oh god, i bet they look like models compared to me.

When we arrive at the frat party, he opens my door and ushers me inside with his hand on the smalls of my back. We head straight to the kitchen to get drinks, he hands me a red cup after i watch him pour it.

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