Chapter 42

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Camila's POV

"Bye", I wink at Micheal after giving him a peck on the lips, He smirks looking me up and down before walking away.

I'm glad I went back to Peppers and swiped him up.

I close the door, walking back to my room passing by Ace. He looks shocked, don't know why? I'm not the one that cheated. I close the door behind me and I know his eyes never left me the whole time. I open the desk drawer pulling out a bag of white powder, the door swings open and I throw the bag back into the drawer and turn around. Ace is pacing the room as if he has lost his mind.

"I'm going to ignore what I just saw...", his voice quiet yet full of anger. 

"Okay?" I say in confusion, I don't know why he pacing like a mad man. He cheated then left for like three weeks or something...I'm not entirely sure how long it's been. I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been the worst weeks of my life, everything is on repeat. 

"Please just listen to me..."

"No, you listen to me! I don't give a fuck what you have to say, I don't care!", I bark. He doesn't get to tell me to "Listen

He stops pacing and turns to look at me, "Can we just talk...please?" He pleads with sad eyes.

"About?", I questions.


I begin to laugh, "Us" I laugh more, "there is no us", I say through laughter.

He looks down at his feet looking as if I punch him in the gut, I don't care. "I know but-" He quietly says.

"Could you maybe leave, I'm expecting a phone call", I tell him with a smile.

"From who?", He asks looking back up at me.

" see, that is none of your business", I happily walk over to the bed falling back onto the warm ruffled duvet, well aware my t-shirt has rolled up to my hips but I don't care, I have panties on and It's not like he hasn't seen it all before...or that it was enough for him.

"I get it, okay. You hate me but-", He tries to say more but I cut him off.

"You're right, I do hate you", I admit. He sighs looking hurt but yet again...I don't care. He storms out leaving slamming the door shut, someone clearly shat in his cornflakes. My phone begins to ring and I answer.

"Hey, gorgeous", Fred says, I can imagine his cheeky grin as he calls me gorgeous. 

"Hi,  I giggle.

"You still meeting me tomorrow?", He seductively says.

"Hm, we'll see", I whisper.

"I like the teasing but I'm sure I'll see you", He whispers back.

Ace's POV

I grunt as I fall back onto the couch beside Ash, "Told you" He chuckles and I glare at him. She's so fucking different, she doesn't seem like herself at all. She just doesn't care about anything by the looks of things.

"It's worse", He sighs.

"How so?", I know she's different but I'm sure it isn't that bad...right?

"I don't even think she is going to classes, she  brings home different guys at least every night drunk, sometimes the same guy actually and she's always wearing ugly revealing clothes", He sighs thinking of his baby sister, "Jules said she found drugs in her bag, man I don't know what's happened to her. I don't know what to do, she won't talk to me she just tells me to fuck off and to mind my own business, I don't want her turning out like me", His lip trembles and I have to look away, he's been watching it first hand and I hid away like a goddamn idiot instead of facing the shit I done wrong. 

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