Chapter 43

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Camila's POV

I can't believe it's now been four weeks since Ace and I broke up. The first week was so slow, Christmas was awful, slow and painfully awful. My father and mother had an argument at the dinner table while eating our Christmas meal, Ash stormed off to his room while I sat silently listening, until I finally snapped.

Wasn't good at all.

I still have Ace's perfect gift that he won't be getting it now. I was so excited to give it to him and see his reaction and now I can't think of anything worse than to spend time with him. This week has been amazing, well for me anyway. For Ace and Ash not so much they need to leave me alone. It's my life and I'll live  it how I want, they do the same thing I'm doing she they're being hypocrites. I'm still bringing guys home because well...I can. It's not Ace's business after all I'm not the one that cheated nor is it Asher's business.

Julia has been avoiding me, she says she hasn't but I know exactly why and I don't care. Aiden on the other hand I'm getting closer to him and he doesn't really know anything at all. 

You might find it disgusting with all the people I'm sleeping with but I'm happy so who cares, right?

Tonight I've got a party which I'm ecstatic for, I haven't been to may parties this past month but I'm beginning to feel free again. I'm just going to take a quick shower before getting ready. Once I've taken my quick shower i sit down at the desk with the towel wrapped around me.

The door opens quickly and closes quietly behind me. I roll my eyes not even turning around because I know exactly who it is, he's been bugging me all week. Ace has been trying to 'talk' to me all week since he's been back, I'm fed up of it and him. He needs to leave me alone because we're never getting back together. I have self respect not to go with something that cheated.


"What?", I turn looking him dead in the eye.

"Can we talk now?", He huffs.

"Nope", I pop the 'P' sounding like a brat but oh well. He sits on the edge of the bed looking my way with sad eyes like he's been doing all week long.

"What are you doing to yourself?", He asks and my eyes narrow.

Did he not just hear me?

"Are you deaf?", I question with a bitter tone.

"Just fucking answer the question", He snaps with his brown orbs not leaving mine.

"How about you answer mine?", I let out a small laugh. He bites down on his lip in frustration.

"Just answer", He sighs with a sound of hurts.

"Hmmmm", I tap my index finger on the side of my mouth pulling a thinking face, "No", I smile. I stand from the chair and move to stand in front of him "Either you fuck me or leave because I'm not talking"

"What?", He says in shock, he really is deaf, am I not speaking English?

"Fuck me or leave..." I laugh, "Is this not what you like? A girl that sleeps with everyone and is hopped up on drugs?"

"No I liked the old you, I just want to talk", his eyes plea with mine.

"Leave it is then", I move to the side gesturing to the door.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead", I push my lips into a thin line. He doesn't say anything just looks at me as if I'm delusional.

I am a little.

"So what will it be, Chambers?", I smirk. This is fun, teasing him. 

"I'm not going to fuck you, Camila!", His brows crash together with pained anger.

"Then leave", I smile tilting my head to the side.


"Then fuck me", I straddle him. He holds my hips out of habit. I slide the towel off my body leaving me completely naked, his eyes move down my body before meeting my eyes again.

"No for fuck sake, Camila!", He pushes me off standing up.

"That's my name, don't wear it out", I sarcastically say.

"So, you don't want to talk to me at all?" He asks and I shake my head.

He once again storms out grunting like an old fart. I wrap myself in the towel off the floor and begin getting ready. I try not to let my thoughts invade as I get ready, they do like always but i always fight them away and forget. Fred picks me up once again in his all black Mercedes.

"Hi gorgeous", He says when I slide into the passenger seat.

"Hey" I smile and peck his lips. He's a good fuck buddy and nothing more. He has become a really good friend though. I met him when I was in a cafe near campus, the first week I got back from Christmas. He took me on a date, I only went to try get over Ace and we decided to just be friends with benefits and here we are. I fasten my seatbelt and we head to the party.


I'm beyond wasted and grinding on Fred dancing to probably the worst music possible but oh well at least I'm having fun, or forcing myself too. "I'm going to the bathroom", Fred whispers in my ear. I watch his lean body walk away through the crowd and I think I need another drink.

I stumble to the kitchen and a girl with blonde hair bumps into me on purpose to get my attention. "Fred huh?" She says like I should know who she is.

"Huh?", I say confused. 

"He'll fuck you then get bored of you..then dump you", She sternly says and I almost laugh because we aren't in a relationship and are actually just fucking.

she must be an ex girlfriend.

"Won't need to worry about that", I tell her.

"What makes you think you're so special", she places her hand on her hips.

"Absolutely nothing", I tell the truth and stumble past her. She pulls my hair and I fall back onto the ground with a loud thump.

"What the fuck?", I'm glad that didn't hurt.

"Stay away from him!", She spits.

I begin to laugh and stand to my feet, "I don't care", I shrug with a slur, I should be embarrassed but I'm not. I try to walk off again and I'm too drunk for this shit.

She grabs my arms and I turn around to face her.  "Let her go, Missy", Fred's voice comes from behind me.

"Shut up, Fred!", She shouts and I roll my eyes. I pull away from her grip walking away while they begin to argue. I turn my head looking back for a split second before bumping into a hard chest.

"Ahhhh, Little Camila!", He shouts over the music.

My heart drops when I look up to see who it is.


"Surprise", He smirks.

Is this my nightmare! Please let it be! I'm hoping I've passed out in the bathroom and this is a nightmare like always. 

"Looks like you've seen a ghost", He tilts his head to the side.

I stare at him in fear, I turn my heel rushing for the front door. He grabs my arm and I swing around into his chest, "I've been waiting for you to show up at a party that I'm at",  His grip tightens around my wrist, it becoming more painful the longer he grasps it. I can't say anything, my mouth won't move and I'm frozen in place, I don't know what to do.

"I've been waiting to finish off my fun with you", He evilly smirks and bents his knees to meet me eye level.

"Keep waiting bitch!",  A familiar voice says behind me.


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