Chatper 29

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"FUCKING TELL ME!" I scream. My dad cheating? What is going on? My head is spinning, why would my father do this..he loves my mother, my poor mum...I look at my mum with tears making my vision blur. She looks heartbroken not looking up, she's keeping her eyes glued on her palms leaning on the table.

"Cam, please don't make me tell you. I don't want to hurt you", My brother says with his eyes becoming watery. I can see he's filled with worry about telling me and I can see It's breaking his heart. 

"Hen, go upstairs", My father says demanding me. 

Fuck you.

"No..", I breathe getting angrier by the minute, "Fucking tell me! I swear to god, just tell me..", My voice cracks.

I look at Ace and his eyes don't meet mine, they're stuck on my father with no emotion behind his facial expression while Ash is behind him looking at me with sympathy.

"Don't!", Dad shouts at Ash.

"Fuck you, why don't you tell her and your wife", He barks back.

"Asher tell her", Ace says still staring at my father.

Tell her...Does he know? He knows and hasn't told me...we've spent weeks together and he fucking knew!

"Please don't hate me for not telling you.."

"ASHER, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD TELL ME!", I scream again cutting him off. I feel my hands tremble with anger.

"I caught dad..fucking Skye..that's why she's ignoring you", He shakes his head trying to forget the memory of finding them together. best friend Skye, no she wouldn't and my dad wouldn't...

"No!", I shout in disbelief, "They wouldn't do that!", I yell.

"When I caught them, he threaten and bribed me not to tell..." He looks down at his feet as tears fall. Mother runs out crying her heart out and my heart breaks for her. I can't believe this. I feel so betrayed.

"Cam?", Ace says looking at me with sympathy circling his eyes.

"You did mum", I look at my father with blurry vision. I can't believe this.

"Come on pet. It was a mistake", He saddens.

"Like fuck it was dad! She's an eighteen year old girl! She's your daughters age for fuck sake!!" Ash shouts.

"I..", I don't even finish before running out the dining room and upstairs slamming my door shut, I slide down my door feeling like my heart ripped out my chest. How can he do this to my mother, this family. I thought we were such a perfect family, I was so wrong. I can't even look at any of them downstairs, they all knew and for how long? Without thinking I call Skye waiting for it to ring through, and of course I get her voicemail.

"I hate broke my family, you were my best friend. Why...why? How could you do this to me, to my family..", I sob uncontrollably, "we're not best friends anymore I can never forgive you, just like I won't be able to forgive my dad...", I begin to break down in louder sobs, trying my hardest to not be heard. I hang up curling up into a ball on the floor clamping my eyes shut. My mother..I wipe my tears and stand up and go across the fall to their bedroom. I try to open the door but it's locked.

"Mum?" My voice breaks and I lightly tap on the door with my knuckle.

"Baby, I want to be alone", She says through sobs and my heart breaks more for the sweet lovable woman I'm glad to call my mother.

"When you want to talk or want company, I'll be here and always will", I sadden holing in my tears. In return I hear her sobs louder. I go back to my childhood room, not wanting to hear my mothers breakdown. As I cry on my bed, I hear muffled shouting from downstairs, from all three of them. I cover my ears with both hands sinking underneath my duvet more.

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