Chapter 24

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"Hey" I smack Asher in the back of the head before walking around the couch and sitting on the single chair.

"Ow! Stop doing that!" He snaps. Ace looks at me with a smirk before averting his eyes back to playing the game him and Ash are playing.

Just this morning he was sneaking out my room. It's going to be hard hiding this from Ash, right now I just want to straddle Aces lap and take him on tha..

"What you smiling at, freak?" Ash snaps me out my inappropriate thoughts.

"Killing you" I reply with a smile.

"Ha-Ha" He replies keeping his eyes on the tv.

"Where were you all night?" I ask Ash.

"I wasn't out all night, I took a girl back here" He shrugs with a boyish smile. Oh my god! That must of been her leaving this morning not Ash arriving home. I look at Ace and he glances at me. If Ash knew he would have said something, we need to be more careful. My phone begins to ring, I lift it from my lap looking at the calling ID.


It's Aiden. I answer it with a small nervous "Heeey", longing it a little too much.

"Hey, you want to hang out today?"

"I uhm.." I look towards Ace, his eyes piercing through mine, I clear my throat before talking again "Is Julia going to be there" I don't want to be alone with him after my amazing night with Ace.

"No, I was thinking just me and you" His voice a little shaky.

"Uhm..sure" I have no idea why I agreed. 

"I'll pick you up at six", I could practically hear the smile on his face, I give him a small okay before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Ace asks, trying to act natural.

"Julia" I shrug and begin to fiddle with my fingers. 

"But you said 'is Julia going to be there' so it wasn't but okay" Ash replied mocking my voice, I want to smack myself in the face.

Ace's jaw clenches while he turns away from me, "I'm going out" He sternly says.

"Where?" Asher asks, pointing to the tv, "We're half way through a game" 

"The game is away to end anyway but uhm..someone needs me" He half smiles at Ash before exiting the room.

"Got to be Donna" Ash laughs glancing at me.

"Shut the fuck up" I scowl.

Who the hell is Donna?! I stand to my feet quickly, "I'm going for a bath", I say before leaving the living room, when I reach the front door Ace is pulling his white Nike's on, I pull his shirt from behind and drag him into the bathroom straight a head of us.

"What are you doing?" He asks stumbling over his feet as I drag him. I close the door behind him and turn to him standing beside the bath "Who's Donna?" I hiss.

"W-who?" He rose a brow at me sounding like a fuckig owl.

"Really? lying already it's not even been a whole twenty-four hours" I whisper shout. I can't really talk.

"What are you talking about? You're the one that lied, I know it was Aiden on the phone not Julia" He mocks in a whisper.

"I did not!", My eyes widen. 

"You're lying right now", he scowls.

"Fine! It was Aiden but I'm going to tell him tonight I just want to be friends"

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