Chapter 21

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I slowly turn my head to the left towards the apartment door, my apartment door. Aiden follows my movements. I gulp when I see a smiley Ace staring back at me, it's like he's happy he caught us. I'm glad it wasn't Ash but I'm also not glad it's Ace. I felt my face turn crimson of embarrassment. 

Oh dear lord.

"Get in" Ace demands crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm busy" I confidently speak, he can't go around demanding me what to do. Aiden gently lets go of my waist and steps back.

"I can see that, ugly" He chuckles looking Aiden up and down.

"Ugly?" Aiden questions in confusion looking between myself and Ace.

He has called me that for the longest, I'm not entirely sure why but i don't let it bother me, now that I've heard it for so long it doesn't bother me in the slightest, it's normal. I just simply give him a handful of hurtful nicknames. Well I hope they're hurtful.

Ace stands there looking me deep in the eyes as if he was telling me he won't leave until I get inside, I sigh and turn my gaze to Aiden, "Goodnight" I sweetly say leaning in and pecking his lips, his face lights up with the small gesture that makes my heart melt at the excitement in his face.

"Goodnight, beautiful" He softly says running his thumb across my cheek.

I hear a scoff to my left but I ignore it, I'm in awe. I give him a small wink before sliding to the side and brushing past Aces shoulder as I step inside. I hear the door slam behind me but I continue to walk to the kitchen happy with myself, my embarrassment is gone. It shouldn't feel embarrassed. 

I think I'm really starting to like Aiden and maybe more than just a friend.

"Goodnight, beautiful" Ace mocks following behind me.

"What are you five?" I scoff pulling a glass out the cupboard, reaching up using my tiptoes. 

"So, what? you like him now?" He leans back against the counter keeping his eyes on me at all times.

"Where's Asher?" I ask avoiding his question, why does he even care. 

"Just answer my question"

"Yes, I do like him" I bluntly say and pour myself a glass of milk then place the milk back in the fridge.

"Why?" I could almost hear sadness in his voice.

"Because I just do"


"I'm not lying" I roll my eyes and turn to him.

"Clearly are"

"He makes me happy. he's there for me. He's nice..." l begin to list but rudely get cut off.

"Boring, Boring and boring. You've just described a friend" He grins, his cockiness shining through.

"You didn't let me finish!" I spit. 

"Go on then" He laughs putting his hand out for me to continue.

"He's incredibly sweet.."


"He makes me laugh! He makes me smile! He's an amazing kisser, the best I've had actually! he gets me and I like him! So fuck off Ace because you're really starting to piss me off!" I ramble on rage running through me.

"Liar" he smiles, I could scream right now.

"I'm not lying!" I shout.

"Then why you getting mad?"

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