Chapter 33

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Ace's POV

"Becca?", I turn around to face the two of her. Her black hair curled and her dress flaunting her body as if she's center of attention and acts as though everyone loves her when they don't they just want to fuck her and I've been there and done that. I want to go home to Cam.

"The one and only", She smirks popping her hip out. "Come with me", She grabs my hand dragging me out of the kitchen.

"Woah woah woah", I pull back seeing two of everything. "What are you doing?" I ask this weirdo.

"Come on and you'll see", She begins to drag me by the wrist, dragging me through crowds. She's walking so fast like slow the fuck down. She opens a door after tripping over her feet with a fall, she's so drunk. she pulls me inside and I stumble over my feet. She flicks the light switch and I blink a few times adjusting my eyes to the bright light, I look around realising we're in a small bathroom. Bathtub, toilet and a sink which I lean against to hold my own weight. She takes out a small bag full of pills, she takes out one placing it on her tongue and swallowing with a smile.

"Want one?"

"I do not do that anymore", I slur waving my hand in the air towards her like it will sink into her small brain.

"Come onnnn", She takes out a single pill waving it in my face like it teases me but it doesn't in the slightest.

"I'm already fuckered" I chuckle.

"So? I am too and you can be feeling amazing like I do", I was angry with Ash for taken this shit like this but I don't give a fuck at the minute...I should but my mind is wavy and I feel all weak and I definitely need the uplift, maybe I should go home.

"Come on, It will be fun. Good old times", I did have a good time. Amazing times so I shouldn't care right. It's only one, I've taken two before.

"One", I whisper leaning forward to take it from her but she snatches it away.

"Open", She smirks. I open my mouth sticking my tongue out. She places the pill on my tongue and I close my mouth on her finger, she smiles moving closer to me. I push her back ripping her finger out my mouth. I swallow the pill moving to sit on the toilet seat because I can't even see straight and my legs feel like jelly.

"You know what we haven't done in a longgg time", She grins walking over to me, he hips swaying in her tight dress.

"And what is that?", I question swaying back and forth before leaning my elbow on the sink for leverage.

"Fucked" She winks.

"There's reason for that", I lean back. I can feel my whole body changing as if I were floating or something. It feels weird but not bad weird.

"I'm sure we will..again" She straddles my lap, the dress crunching to her hips as her legs swing, they don't even touch the floor because she around Camila's height maybe a little taller.

"Funny joke", I laugh. She wraps her fingers around my neck pulling me towards her "I'm not joking" She whispers in my ear licking lightly. I place my hands on her hips to push her off but the material of her dress feels amazing, I swipe the hands back and forth on her hips and a smile curls up on my face.

"What material is this?", I pinch at the dress looking down to the dress clinging to her hips.

"Silk" She whispers leaning into me, pressing her breasts against my chest.

"Feels good" I chuckle.

"I can make you feel good maybe even better", She begins to grind on me as he back arches. A knock sounds the door and Rebecca slurs out a shout. I have no Idea what she said since I'm so fascinated with the silk clinged to her skin.

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