Chapter 27

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^Listen at the end of chapter^

"I'm going for a shower" I tell Ace.

"Okay", He nervously smiles. I stand to my feet and begin to put my clothes back on.

I heard what Ace said but truth is...saying those words scare me. I won't say them until I'm 100% sure but yet again I've never said those words to anyone other than my mum and dad. During that two years I dated Brandon not once did I tell him those words. Those words mean a lot to me and they scare me because those three words could destroy your life.

"Can I join?" Ace asks pulling his boxers on.

"Sure" I smile.

We step in the hot shower and he wraps his arms around my waist from behind as the water flows in front of me, he buries his face into the crook of my neck, giving me a light kisses.

"Are you okay?", He asks against my neck.

"Yeah, are you?"

"I am, are you sure?"

"I'm fine" I lie. I'm scared he will want those words back and I can't say them. Ironic isn't it I'm the one hiding my feelings, when he wouldn't even show me emotion.

"You", He leaves a wet kiss on my neck, "Are",  He kisses me again, "Beautiful", He kisses me again landing underneath my ear.

"Sure I'm not, ugly"  I mimic his nickname for me.

"Hmm, maybe just a little" He jokes and I swat his arms around my waist. I turn around in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm kidding, you're the most beautiful woman I've seen" He smirks. A smile takes over on my face at the whole sentence. I'm in awe.

"Ace, are you in there!?", A knock sounds the bathroom door and my eyes go wide.

"Shit", Ace curses under his breath, "Yeah, what's up!?", He shouts staring me in the eye and pressing his lips into a thin line. I can see panic flash through his eyes and I'm sure mines look the same.

"I need to take a piss" Asher replies, It sounds as if he's doing star jumps outside the bathroom door, with the rapid footsteps heard on the spot. I thought he went out, what the hell is he doing here? Oh god, he could have caught Ace and I on the couch.

"Uhm..sure!" Ace says and I grab his arm before he pulls the curtain back.

"What!?" I whisper, my eyes wide in shock of him agreeing to open the door.

"Stay quiet he won't know", He whispers back. How is he so calm. I nod repeatedly with sheer panic rushing through my veins, I hope he doesn't find out..not yet anyway. Ace jumps out unlocks the door and jumps back in pulling the curtain back.

The door creaks open and the noise of Asher peeing sounds through the small bathroom. I place my head on Ace's chest trying to keep calm and my breathing steady...until I realise my clothes are on the bathroom floor. My eyes go wide and I look at Ace as he holds his hand over my mouth. 

The sound of the toilet flushes and Ash voices loud enough over the flowing water,  "Thanks, man!" 

"Are you going out or just chilling in your room?" Ace asks.

"I'll be in my room, do you know where Cam went?" He asks and I could honestly faint, If he finds us it's game over.

"Went to Julia's I think"

"Ahh right, later man", and with that he closes the bathroom door, I let out a breath I was unaware I was holding in. 

"That was close Ace, we need to be more careful" I whisper.

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