Chapter 40

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Camila's POV

"Oh, sweetie", My mother strides into the room making her way over to me fast, he face puffy and red which makes me know she's been crying. 

"Hi, mum", I force out a smile. She pulls me in for a tight hug as she sits on the sit of the bed. She doesn't know exactly why I'm in hospital yet but I'm sure she'll be supportive like always. I see movement towards the door, I look to find my father standing with his shoulders pushed back looking a lot taller than usual, he doesn't seem happy one bit but seeing him doesn't exactly lighten my mood. I can feel all my emotions coming back that night I found out he cheated on my poor mother.

"Hi, hen", He says but I ignore turning my attention back to my mum, he has some nerve thinking I'll actually talk to him.

"Where is Asher and Ace?", she asks looking around the room as if they're hiding somewhere. I bite down on my lip hard from hearing Ace's name, I won't waste anymore tears on him. Not after what he has done to me. I get that he was on drugs but he obviously knew what he did because he went out his way to lie and manipulate me into thinking he would never do that and it worked...the stupid ring worked.

"Asher is getting me food and Ace is with his mum..I think", I shrug seeming unbothered. Ken sits down on the chair to the left of me but I continue to ignore him, I can't even look at him.

"What happened?" She softly speaks.

"I erm..", how do I tell my mum this? What is the correct way to tell someone that you've just lost a baby. It stills hurts...I lost a baby I didn't even know about and it pains my heart. How stupid am I? The worst part is that I continued to get my periods so It didn't cross my mind that I was pregnant, I feel so stupid that I didn't even consider it. I never thought eighteen year old girl could get pregnant and I thought It would never happen to me, how stupid is that right?

"What is it? Camila?", My mother begins to worry as she studies my face carefully. 

"I uhm..I was pregnant...b-but I lost it...I lost the baby", I wipe a tear that escapes. It's hard to say it allowed, If i wasn't so stupid or if I had other symptoms...I dunno I feel so stupid and heartbroken. I lost my baby and my boyfriend cheated on me...I have nightmares and my father cheated on my mother...when did my life become so complicated?

"You were fucking what!?", My father voices loud and I flinch out of my thoughts. 

"Ken!", My mother raises her voice at him, her eyes circling with fury. 

"Don't Ken me. Our little girl was pregnant, she's eighteen for fuck sake! Who was the father then?", his eyes snap to me. His stare intense that I almost burst into tears telling him who but I couldn't out Ace like that. I feel like crying again or worse...ripping my hair out and screaming. It cringes me that they know I've had sex but I'm sure they wouldn't be thrilled with who, especially Ken.

"I don't know", I speak quietly and look down to my fiddling fingers.

"Ken, shut the fuck up. You were shagging an eighteen year old!", Ash makes his presence known. My father immediately quiets down but mumbles something under his breath. I look up giving Ash a small smile for helping me, he returns it.

"How are you feeling?", My mum asks rubbing up and down my arm.

"I'm okay, thanks", I lie.

"I love much", She tears up grabbing my hand. 

"I love you too, mum", I cup her cheek. I don't like seeing my mother upset and I only know she's upset because of me. 

It's been hours, my mother insisted on staying but I told her to go home, my father left hours before my mum only because we wouldn't communicate with him, why would I want to? The doctor told me to stay overnight just for check ups and I would be released in the morning.

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