Chapter 12

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"Hey" I say as I enter the kitchen.

"Hey sis" Ash says as he spreads peanut butter on his toast. I look towards his busted knuckles but don't say a word. I make myself a cup of coffee before making my way to the living room. Ace is still fast asleep on the couch, I groan looking back watching my brother enter.

"Lets put his hand in cold water?" Ash whispers.

"Grow up" I sternly say before turning around and smirking "let's do it and draw on his face too" I chuckle.

"You will do no such thing" Ace voices and Ash laugh shaking his head.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes pushing his feet off the couch so I could sit down.

"I was thinking we should all have a movie night before college tomorrow" My brother beams, i know he's just saying that to make me feel better about what happened. He normally goes out but not tonight. 

"Sure" I nod taking a sip of my coffee.

"Yeah sounds good, I need to go out for a bit but I'll definitely be back before it starts" Ace stands to his feet leaving the room.

"Well I have no where to go, so I'm stuck with you" My brother says and sits on the single couch. I roll my eyes before going on my phone. I haven't really been on my phone so I'm sure Aiden and Julia must be worried about not hearing from me. I quickly text the group chat that was spammed all yesterday.

Me: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been in touch but I'll tell you why tomorrow.

Julia: I was so worried Cam, Are you okay?

Aiden: Jesus Cam, I was going to come see you today if i didn't hear from you.

Me: Sorry, I'm fine I promise.

I placed my phone down on the coffee table and drink the rest of my coffee.

"Right I'll be back soon, do you guys need anything i'll go by the store" Ace's head pops out of the archway.

"Can I come?" I remember I'll be starting my period soon and I'm sure he won't want to pick up tampons.

"I have to go somewhere before so what is it you want and i'll pick it up"

"Tampons" I smile, I'm not embarrassed talking about periods because it's such a natural thing.

"T-Tampons" He awkwardly say, a pink blush forming on his cheeks.

"Yes" I cackle.

"Uhmm..sure" He rubs the back of his head turning his heel and walking out the front door.

"His face" My brother bursts out laughing.

"If he forgets will you get them?" I grin.

"Hell no!"

"Your face more like!" I burst out laughing.


It's now five pm and the whole day Ash and I have been playing xbox and stuffing our face. Ace still hasn't come home yet which is weird but oh well.

"Mum was asking for you, you know seeing how you are?" Ash speak softly glancing at me.

"Tell her I'm fine now" I smile.

"I can see you're feeling better"

"I know it's been like two days but knowing that he's in physical pain has helped me a lot"

"I'm glad, I'm sorry I didn't pick up the phone..that night" He saddens.

"It's fine you couldn't have known" I shrug, i don't want him to feel bad.

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