Chapter 7

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I awake to the annoying sound of my alarm ringing through my ears, I groan rolling over and turn it off. I drag my feet to the bathroom to take a quick shower, I shampoo and condition my hair with a mint scent, It smells delicious. I wrap my body in a towel and I mentally smack myself in the forehead "Great, I forgot clothes" I mumble to myself. I swing the door open and bump into a hard chest.


"Shit, sorry" Ace speaks in a soft tone.

"It's fine" My smile slanted. Last night he practically ran out of the room when we were away to kiss I wonder how he actually feels. He doesn't really seem to say how he's feeling and I wish he would.

"Hey Cam!" Ash shouts, it echoes through the apartment making Ace and myself snap out of starting at each other. He walks round me and closes the bathroom door behind him, I sigh and pad towards the room.

"Cam!" My annoying brothers calls my name again.

"What!?" I duplicate my shout.

"Come here!"

"No, I need to get changed!" I slam the bedroom door shut.

I change into hot pink underwear, yeah I know no one will see them but they make me feel better about myself. I pull dark blue high-waisted ripped jeans over my legs, I pull a light black cropped soft sweater over my head. I'm so excited for college, I've never felt excited for education before. I made the time to do my makeup but nothing extreme, just some light foundation, contour, mascara and some lip gloss. I stand and look at the full length wardrobe mirror. I look decent enough.

My thighs are getting more chunky, especially since I stopped Cheerleading, I loved it so much. It kept me toned and healthy, well I'm sort of healthy now but food is life so who really cares? I slip into some all black vans and swing my backpack over my shoulder, I pick my phone up and make my way to the kitchen.

"I made you some coffee" My brother says.

"Thanks" I smile taking the steaming hot mug to my lips.

"How you feeling about starting classes?" he asks.

"Nervous but I can't wait" I squeak.

"That's good, what time is your first class?"

"Nine" I reply taking a sip of the tasty coffee.

"I would have given you a ride but my class starts at ten and I don't feel like going back and forth"

"It's fine, I'll walk" I slurp down the last drop of coffee in the mug.

"I'll take you" A deep voice says behind me.

"Yeah he'll take you, his class starts at nine too" Ash says.

"Okay" I shrug, I really didn't mind walking but I won't pass up a free ride.

"You ready to go?" Ace asks, I nod my head and turn round. Wow he's so hot, he is wearing black ripped jeans with a black jumper that has a small red rose at the top left corner and plain black vans like mine. His curly messy hair is adorable. His aftershave hits me as I walk towards him, I gulp as he turns heading for the door and I follow. The aftershave reminding me of the kiss that would have happened.

"Why you being weird?" I ask five minutes into the drive.

"Huh?" he glares my way then sticks his eyes back on the road ahead.

"You've been acting weird recently"

"No I haven't" He scratches the back of his neck before placing in back onto the gear stick.

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