Chapter 10 : Damsel in Distress or Not

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After coming back from hotel Shayra came back to her room while hiding from everyone. She now started to make plans how to reconcile arnav and Khushi. She was thinking when she heard some sounds from outside. She saw the time. It was half past 11. She thought who could be awake at this late hour of night. She stood up and started to walk out. She was wondering in corridor but she found no one. She heard another sound which was coming from the kitchen. She hurridly went there. The scene she saw was making her laugh a lot but she kept her hand on her mouth to stop making any sound. She saw Khushi tying her duppatta on her waist and making some jalebies like a confectioner. She saw her making jalebies with one hand and also eating by other hand. She entered the kitchen and kept her hand on her shoulder. Khushi was egnorsed in her thoughts. She got startled.

Khushi : you scared me... She kept her hand at the place where her heart recide.

Shayra: I m sorry. That was not my intention. By the way are you okay. Khushi got remind of the things which happened today. She didn't tell anything to Razia otherwise she will be stressed for no reason. After coming out of her thoughts she replied.

Khushi : yes I m fine.. leave it. Where were you??? When did you back. You know I have to make excuses on dinning table.

Shayra don't know what to do so she started to cough. Khushi saw this and forgetting the matter went to fridge to give water to Shayra. And said her to take a rest she will talk to her tomorrow. Shayra came to her room but suddenly she smiles she took her mobile out and dial a no.

Shayra : hello, jiju sorry for this late call but I was so excited to share it with you.... I have a plan meet me tomorrow near Shri bhalleshwar temple...... Yeah... Good night..

With this she kept the call and smiled while thinking something. She crossed her fingers and pray to God that her plan succeed.

Next day

Razia : bhalleshwar temple that is out skirt of Mumbai shayra. How you think that I will allow you to go their that's too without guards.

Shayra : Khaala ( maternal aunt) please agree to this you know Rukshaar so wants to go there. She had a wish which is fulfilled now. She has to pay a visit there. ( Khushi was not there when Shayra asking Razia for the permission.)

Razia : I understand beta but that is too far. I mean.... (She saw Shayra who hunged her face by now of her denial).... Uhhh... Okay now don't make this puppy face in front of me but mind you both of you should be back before it's get too late. Shayra squilled in happiness and hug Razia' so tightly and thanks her. Now she have to make Khushi agree for this. She went to her room and told the same and instead of her name of having a wish she took Razia's name. Khushi thought for sometime but then agree to fulfill her Khaala wish. Both of them left for bhalleshwar temple. While travelling Shayra texted arnav about their leaving to the same.

When they reached there and came out of the car they saw so much crowd in that vicinity. Shayra eyes were searching for someone and Rukshaar saw that she asked.

Rukshaar : is someone else gonna join us??

Shayra got startled of sudden question but she composed herself and then replied : no...

Rukshaar : then hurry up we shouldn't doing late.

Shayra eyes suddenly saw that person whom she was searching for she said to Khushi : Rukshaar we forgot to buy Pooja thaal. You wait here I m coming. By saying this she went near arnav who was standing near a banyan tree hiding himself from Khushi.

Shayra went there and greet him : good evening jiju. How are you

Arnav : morning, I'm fine. Much better than yesterday. Now tell me what is the plan.

At this Shayra smiled mischievously on him and said. So desperate jiju to take my sister back. Never mind you just wait and watch then will told you what's the plan. By saying this she gave a nautorious laugh. Arnav watched her and now he knows that definitely some blunder is going to happen. They waited for some minutes and after some minutes they saw a man was going towards Khushi and started to tease her.

On the other hand Khushi was standing and was waiting for Shayra near the parking lot. She saw a man is approaching her. She tried to ignore him and thought that he will do nothing in day light that man approach her and started to do bad comments on her

Man : why are you standing here jaaneman.. come with me... I will make you have some fun.
Khushi startled by his sudden comments. She started to walk from there to the steps of the temple. Man also started to go behind her and suddenly he hold on her wrist.

Shayra and arnav were watching that scene. Finally arnav got to know what Shayra has planned.

Arnav : So this is your kiddish plan.

Shayra got confused on this statement and said : kiddish... Excuse me sir this is mind blowing plan of mine. Now see that man who is harassing her is paid by me. So like a hero you have to go there and save her like a knight in shining armor And by this definitely your Khushi is going to forgive you.

Arnav face palmed himself. He shakes his head and replied to her : what do you think that, that man will harass her and she will need any man to handle her. Shayra jiii she is Khushi Kumari Gupta she is not someone damsel in distress that she need a hero to save her.

Shayra fumed on his word and said : you are saying as if you know everything about her and also you know what is going to happen..

Arnav just smirked on her and said : definitely my saali saheba. I know her better than you and also I know what is going to happen. You just wait here okay and enjoy the scene now. Because whatever you are going to see is definitely you have never scene her doing that. By that they started to to concentrate.

When that man held her wrist Khushi got infuriated. How dare he to hold his wrist like this in public place. She pushed him very hard and she saw a log of wood there. She took it in her hand and without seeing anything started to beat that man. Shayra jaw has been dropped. She never saw Khushi like this before beating someone black and blue. Seeing her Expression arnav started to laugh loudly. And started to watch there again.

There after got beaten by Khushi badly the man ran from there saving his life. Khushi throw that log and started to murmuring herself : don't know from where this kind of people comes from. What they think that saying some bad words they can scare a woman then he was highly mistaken. He doesn't know me..... Some one from behind cut her in mid

Man : then let me know you Rukshaar bano...

Khushi turn around and saw a man who was standing in front of her with evil smile. He has some 3, 4 men behind him who will be probably his men. She somewhere know this man. Suddenly she remembered he was the same man who asked Razia' for her and that too for one night stand. She got scared and started to move backwards step by step. She was looking for Shayra. The grin on this man was making her inside churn. The man was looking at her with lusty eyes and that make her more afraid.

Man : what happened?? Scared ??? Now itself you were talking you are not scared and blah... Blah... What happened cat got the tongue.

Khushi tried to replied him : see leave my way other wise Consequences will not be good for you.

Man laughed loudly on her reply. He can clearly see that Khushi is scared a hell out of him. And still she is replying him so confidently. He hold her wrist in his tight grip and started to drag her near his van and said : for whom consequences would not be good only time will tell Rukshaar. That day your Khaala insulted me a lot. And now I m going to take that revenge on you. May be she forgot my name is Aadil Asgar I never take my insult so quitely. Khushi was struggling in his grip and trying to make herself free of him but he was so strong that nothing was happening to him. She shouted on him to leave her but he never give an ear to her. When he was going to make her sit in van a hand hold his hand from behind. He turn over and got a punch near his lips which started to bleed from the force of it.

I never give permission to look at my WIFE with straight eyes then touching her is far away... Yessss the man was none other than our baby, cutie pie ( Barun Sobti..... " Inner me ohhhh oh how much I love this man") Arnav Singh Raizada standing there with fury in his eyes....

Here is the update guysss... Keep loving and voting and do comments.

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