Chapter 40 : Happy Ending {Last Part}

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Doctor left from there telling the nurse to dressed him. Arnav moved inside. And sat on the stool nearer to khushi. He stroke her head and then he kept his hands on her stomach where their baby is taking breath. His eyes got moisted and then first he kissed khushi's forehead and then he kissed her stomach for several times till his heart content. He came out of it when he heard the clicking of the sound and saw nurses were their with the dressing equipment. He moved towards couch to get dressing.


Khushi was trying to open her eyes and the first thing she saw was arnav who was stroking her hair's. She glanced to the surroundings for some time and saw the the white walls, IVM machines and many things which could confirmed that she was in hospital. That's when she remembers the happening of the day and got scared. She woke up and sat on the bed suddenly clutching arnav hands. And then hugged him tightly as much as she can. And started to cry. Arnav haven't said anything. When she was unconscious he thought he will give her a best scolding whenever she will woke up. But all these thought have gone from his mind. She is already scared and he doesn't want her to take any more stress. Khushi cam out of the hug and saw in his eyes.

Khushi : arnav ji our baby ???

Arnav : sh... Sh.. she is fine you and baby both

Hearing his calm voice guilty tears started to come out of her eyes and with shivering voice she said.

Khushi : I am sorr... Sorryyy

Arnav tried to interupted her but she kept her hands on his mouth...

Khushi : please let me complete.... I am sorry because every time i don't hear to you. And every time i take your words in light and not seriously. Every time time because of me we falls in to trap and this time... This time i crossed all the limit. This time i risked our child life with me. And for that i will not be able to forgive myself.

She composed herself and wiped her tears and then again continued...

Khushi : Arnav ji I promised... That I will not do any mistake... And.. and will listen to you and if.. and if I haven't heard your words and do something stupid than you..slap me haan.. you slap then and there. But please never leave me alone otherwise I will di...

She was not able to complete her words because at the same time she felt a light slap on her cheeks ( not so hard playfully) and she was shocked arnav singh Raizada gave her slap.. she took her hands from his mouth and kept it on her cheek. And saw him smirking. Only one word came out of her mouth.

Khushi : why you... Why... I mean what is this slap for ??

Arnav then smiled a little and then told her in a playful way.

Arnav : what.. you only told me whenever you talked or do some stupid things then I would slap you... And then sigh and then again continued khushi how much you speak I mean seriously when we have to rejoice the news that we are gonna parents you are talking this shits... He hold her both hands and took them towards his lips and then kissed both the hands and then continued.

Thank you... Thank you for giving me this god gift khushi... Thank youuu for changing me otherwise I wouldn't have get this happiness... The chote was died when he lost his mother you brought him back. I was always running from the happiness because I thought they will not last long and when it will end I will left with sorrows only but you changed my this perceptions And now I want to enjoy my child hood with my child... I want to do everything and want to give everything to my child and I know in this journey you will be there whenever I will be in need. You will there whenever I will feel demotivated if i wouldn't done as per the expectations. You will there becoming our an integral part who will tie us with love and compassion. You will be our guide as like my mother who will tell us what is good and what is bad. We all together will growing celebrating our parenthood and our childhood which we have missed and will never left our child face the situation which we faced. I promise you...

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