Chapter 38 : Face Off {1}

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And then he kept the call. Dhruv is fool if thought arnav will let him go so easily or if he thought after his treat he will leave his family members like this without giving them protection and that too specially khushi when he knows Dhruv have evil eyes on her. But it's okay soon he will clear his misconceptions and will clear this matter for alwayssss. With this he sat in car and drive the location where Kabir told him. Soon he is going to check her wife and if any scratches would be in her then Dhruv will see his last day today. In all this he forget to check the reports.


Arnav was driving his car very harshly. The tensed form can be seen on his face. He know where they are heading to. Yes when Dhruv Malik makes entry in their life then itself he contacted Kabir to stalk his every move. He didn't put any guard or spies on his family because he knows it's not worth it because now days anyone could sell their moral and values when the matter is about money. And about security they can be tricked as well as if did put them behind his family they would only guard them. But putting behind Dhruv he will get his every information, his every move. That's why this time he took this way to get updated about his doing. He only hired a secret body guard as a driver. Who no one knows but only Kabir, him and Aman knows about. He had a tracker in his watch. So they were getting location from that. When he hired him he already told him if in any situation he will not be able to be with khushi then he can put that watch on her purse or anywhere so that they could track them. Arnav was so lost in those thought that he hasn't noticed a truck coming towards him. When he heard the loud horn then only he came out of his reverie. He turned his car suddenly and then his car got crashed with a tree on side by.


Khushi came out of her consciousness slowly. She was still feeling dizziness because of the chloroform which was made her sniffed to made her unconscious. She saw her surrounding and was shocked to see herself in a bus alone. That too in a not known area. She stood up from the seat and started to remember the things happened with her. She was coming towards her car after doing aarti but she saw the empty car and when she tried to turn to see where the driver gone she was made unconscious... Amd that scared her alot. She moved towards the gate of the car that's when she saw Dhruv standing near the gate..

Dhruv : hiii Jaaneman... How are you??? Are you okay now...

Khushi was scared to the hell but still she show the braveness when she enquired him.

Khushi : what the hell.. why you kidnapped me... What you want.

Dhruv evil laughed echoed in the surroundings and after sometime he replied while coming closure to khushi.

Dhruv : what I want!! You still asking this question... Then listen I want your husband's destruction... And it was not possible you beside him because I know you are his weakness... So while taking you I will fulfill my revenge... And by the way( with that he started to trace her face with his finger from forehead towards lips) you are so personified beautiful and sexy that every man will desire to have you and sexy girl...

When he tried to touch her on her lips then khushi pushed him and he stumbled a little and then laughed

Dhruv : I like your fiery nature sexy.... Would love to see it on my bed.. but still it has time till then take care we are moving from here where nobody, no bloody Arnav Singh Raizada will get to know you whereabouts.

And then he gone from there. Khushi with worried face sat there only. She can't move from there as every where there were guards. There was total 7 of them including Dhruv.. a mere wishpered left her mouth

Khushi : Arnav ji... And then she started to cry


Arnav came out of the car in few minutes. Thank god he was driving in slow speed otherwise the accident could be more horrific and thank god the car was not damage it means he can still drive it and reach to the place on correct time.  He again started to sit in the car and then was going to start it. That's when he saw the reports of khushi which came out when the car has been crashed. He took the reports with shivering hands. He wanted to open it with khushi but now he wanted to see it. So without any delay he opened it and read the content. After some minutes he kept his finger on his cheek and saw the tears which was coming out of his eyes. And then he smiled. This tears are of happiness and his decision to save khushi became more determined. So he drove fast as much as he can.


Every body started to sit in the bus. They took khushi driver also so if anywhere the will be asked for IDs then they will put him forward as he had every single proofs so nobody will inetrupt them. But they didn't know he is a guard and was playing along with them. Dhruv came and sat in front of khushi who got more frightened and sat in corner. That makes him to devilish smile. He his happy seeing her so frightened and scared... They started the bus and was going to move forward that's when they saw some car is moving in their way. The driver inform the same to Dhruv and whe he came forward to see he was shocked.

Arnav car was moving in front of his bus.  And the looks he saw on arnav face was dangerous as if he is going to burn all the things. He again heard more sounds of car he saw right and left from both the sides two jeeps were coming towards him and he got frustrated. He knows that he is surrounded by the arnav men. So he held khushi hands who was scared to the death and started to pull her out with him. He took a gun with him putting it on khushi's head. She started to Wriggled and was exhausted to hell. But when they came out that's when Dhruv noticed two more cars behind the bus so it is total 7 cars and one is Arnav's and 6 is of his men and in each 6 cars there were 4 people in it.

Khushi saw arnav cars stopped in from of her. It's evening now and cold breeze were falling on them. She started to wriggled more to run into his arm. But the hold get tighter from the Dhruv side. When Arnav came out of his car he saw khushi wriggling. All the men of Dhruv which total 6 came out of the bus with the driver that's when the driver tricked a man who was holding him and snatched the gun from him put it upon his head. And Dhruv was confused how the mere driver can use this tricks. That's when his brain started to work and the plan of arnav was crystal clear in front of him.  He got more angry and clutched tightly khushi from her stomach putting her in front and putting gun in her head. She left a yalp when he put the force on her stomach and arnav got scared. He started to move forward that's when he was stopped by Dhruv.

Dhruv : wait arnav don't move forward otherwise your lovely wife would be dead and while saying this he sniffed the khushi odour from neck. And arnav got so angry on him for doing so and touching khushi, His Sayonee inappropriately.

So here is the update guys... Do vote comment .. last two chapters are left and I already shedding tears... it's so emotional moment for me I don't know why I am crying while ending this ff. This FF surely gonna most important and will have special place in my heart always... so moving on for VM on arshi you have to follow my Instagram account and there on igtv you can watch the arshi vm. Guys do follow it. Instagram account has been shared in bio... Thanks all and stay safe

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