Chapter 23 : The Solution

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Everybody just watching Arnav saying this. They surely faced a shock hearing this statement that THE ASR wants to do pooja as soon as possible so that his Khushi should not have any evil eyes on her. From when did he started to believe in this orthodox. Arnav saw that everyone still watching him in shock and this act of them pissed him to a limit and he does what he was famous for shouting....

ARNAV - What...

Anjali - what nahi chote what the... [not what chote its what the]

He was going to shout again but then he thought it is waste of time for him. He just stood up from his place and started to walk towards his room. He was just in middle when he came back again took khushi hand in his because has ate already and he doesn't want her to be alone right now with the family because he doesn't want that her to feel hurt or uncomfortable if anybody ask her question regarding her one year past.

As decided Nani found a suitable date for the pooja. It is on the next day. All the members of the family started to prepare for it. Khushi was in the room sitting on the bed. As arnav doesn't let her to go out of the room. He was working on the laptop and she is getting bored in the room. She was thinking What to do. When they heard a knock... arnav went to open the door and to see who is there. When he opened the door there stood hp while bowing his head and said

HP - wo arnav bhaiya Nani is asking for Khushi bhabhi as the man who sell saries has come. She wants bhabhi to select sari for pooja....

Khushi who heard this and was waiting for any opportunity so that she can go out from this boredoom just came running towards the gate and shouted

Khushi - hum yahan hai HP ji.... chaliye jaldi chaliya hume sari leni hai... [ I am here HP ji lets go... I want to buy saries. ]

She doesn't see arnav and ran out from the room... Arnav just stood there having an expression like what the hell happened. He watched HP who has same expression as his. They both then give an awkward look and then they also came in living room. Arnav came in living room and he just couldn't be without khushi. In living room everybody was sitting on the ground and were selecting saries which was placed in middle of them. He saw place empty beside Khushi, went there and then just sit with her on the ground. This was the another shock for them. Arnav saw their expression and said in his mind. NOT AGAIN..... Every body resumes to their task as they don't want another shout session and doesn't want arnav to feel uncomfortable.

Khushi was very excited to buy a sari as she never wear sari when she was there in mumbai... all the time she weared anarkali suits otherwise lehangaas for dance. She has selected two saries which was in hand and was confused to what to buy. She was still thinking which one to buy when suddenly from nowhere she heard a voice...

'select the red one'

she turned to her right and yes there sitting our arnav with laying half on the ground balancing his body with elbow... she was so busy that she didn't notice when he came and sit beside her. She nodded her head to him and selected the sari which arnav has told to her. Every body were done with the shopping and they were going back to their room when suddenly arnav stopped Nani....

Arnav - Nani one minute... I want to talk to you.. [he saw everybody are watching him then he added] alone... Nani nodded her head... she told him to come to her room... everybody just retire to their room. Arnav saw khushi who was still standing there. He hold her hand and told her to go to the room... she also nodded her head and went from there...


Nani - kaa hua chote aisan kaa baat rahi jo aap sab ke saamne naahi bol sakat rahe... [ what happened chote... what is so important that you don't want to talk in front of others.]

Arnav- Nani baat ye hai ki.... [Nani actually the matter is...]


There is lot of hussle and bustle in raizada house today is satyanarayan pooja in the house... everyone are getting ready in their room... Khushi is sitting in front of the mirror and was wearing her bangles... when she heard the click sound... arnav came out from the bathroom after having his bath that too in his towels....He was wearing his towels in lower waist, his hairs were still wet and messy, water was still driping from his hairs to his neck then shoulders... This site of arnav mesmerized our innocent khushi she watched him then of being shy she lowered her eyes and start wearing her bangles... but she was so distracted by arnav this look that she was unable to concentrate in wearing it. Arnav saw this through corner of his eyes... He was noticing this act of his baby wife when he came out from the bathroom. He was happy seeing his affects on his innocent wife he has... So he is not the only one who is clean bold of her wife charm... his wife has also same afffects as him... he smirked while thinking this... He saw how she is having problem in wearing bangles because of his affects. He wore his Kurta payjama does his hair, used his perfume... then sit beside Khushi who was still finding difficulty in wearing her chudaas...

Arnav sat on his knee level. He took chudaas in his hand both has eyelock [ rabbave was playing in their background]. He make her wore her chudaa's, then earings. Then he opened the side drawer and put out a silver waist chain... he make her stand up and while sitting on his knees he started to make her wear that waist chain and said....

Arnav - I bought this chain last year when we were going to marry... Di said I should gift you something today as this is our first night... I was going to make you wear this by my own self... suddenly his eyes started to mist .... but... but... every thing goes wrong... you... you left us khushi... you left me...[while saying this he wrapped his hand around her small waist and buried his on her waist... khushi was also crying seeing his laad governor cried like this... she also wrapped her arms on his head]... please never do this again khushi... please never do this again... my maa already left me... please you do not leave me ever otherwise I will die.... Promise me Khushi... Promise me that you never leave me... in any circumstances... you fight with me.. scold me but will never leave me... [ both of them were crying remembering their past.. at this khushi came to his level and hug him tight as much as she can...]

Khushi - I promise you arnav ji I will never do such things again... please do not talk about dieing... I only have you please....

Arnav- yeah I will never let you do such things again and for that I found a solution...

Khushi - What solution

Arnav cleaned her face and his face then make her stand up, holding her hand started to move out of the room. While going out he said

'come I have a surprise for you'

Hello people,,,, so here is the update guys no proof reading there would be mistakes... ignore it... keep voting and commenting... I m going to start my others ffs also so do support them also.... and there is an information my all the ffs would end in between 50s... because I do feed dragging them unnecessarily only bored the audience. So my ffs would be shorts and there parts would be in between 50s only... do share your opinion also.... and I do started to post my ffs on facebook also so guys please share that page among your friends...

 and I do started to post my ffs on facebook also so guys please share that page among your friends

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