Chapter 37 : Black cloud

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That evening after watching arshi pics all the members of the family started to tease them a lot. But they were surprised and happy watching khushi in modern dress. Every body praises her for her that look and also told her to dress up like this here also.  They were happy seeing both arnav and khushi contended.

All had dinners after chit chatting but most of them were busy hearing khushi. She was describing the one and other event. Arnav was happy seeing her to talking to their family. The hesitating nature was not gone unnoticed by him when she was back from Mumbai. But now she is completely to herself and he will not let any body to her. After completing dinner everybody spend some time in living room watching tv.  Khushi fall sleep on arnav shoulder. So he decided to leave from there. He took her into her arms and left to their room. He lay her down on bed and the joined her and took her in her arms. He was watching her face which was so calm and peaceful. Then he left a chuckle when he saw her smiling and murmuring his name. She can't leave him in sleep also.. he kissed her on forehead and then gone to a mist needed slumber.


Next day when khushi opened her eyes she saw herself alone on the bed. Worried she woke up and started to see here and there to see of arnav is there but he was not. Then only her eyes falls upon the rose which was on the side drawer on the bed and a note under it. She took it and then read the content.

Have early meeting. Have your breakfast and then medicine. Don't roam here and there like a butterfly. I have my people to give news of your doing. And yeah I will take the reports from hospital.

This wordings made her smile a little. Ofcourse a little bit of laad governor trait can be seen in this letter. But she thought to visit temple today.  She decided to let the family know and then she will request them not to tell him. So without any delay she got ready and then went downstairs and told them. At first they were not ready to send her and that too alone because everybody ere scared of arnav temperament. Ofcourse he is changed but still he is th ASR. But after seeing her pleading they let her go. And khushi also left to temple at 8:30.

Arnav get the reports from the desk he still haven't checked it. And the gynaecologist was on off today so the receptionist told him to meet her tomorrow. He thought to check the reports with khushi. As he is already having idea what could be the tet about. Ofcourse he is not so dumb that he will not understand what was the reason dr. Kulkarni send to to check with gynaecologist. But he don't want to open it right now. This is a very big thing to them. So he was driving to the office but the ring on his mobile don't let him move further. He received the call after stopping his car at the corner.

Arnav : hello

Anjali : Cho...chote. (She took his name with so much nervousness and scared form)

Arnav : yes di. What happened. Why you are stammering. Everything is right na?

Anjali : chote come back home soon.  There is an emergency.

Hearing her words he got serious what happened hy she is scared. He tried to ask her but she still refused to tell him on the phone. So without delaying he turned towards his house. When he reached he saw everybodies tensed face. Every single face was there but only one is missing who he so desperately wants to see now. When he reached near sofa anjali run towards him and hugged him while crying and said.

Anjali : chote khushi ji haven't back yet it's 2 hours since she left.

Arnav broke the hug and then saw her face and everyone's face in anger plus with worried

Arnav : what do you mean she haven't come back. I told you guys not to let her roam anywhere let alone outside. Where she went. And why you guys let her after my stricted warning.

Everybody's has guilty face and told him whatever happened in the morning. It's angered him a lot. Why why everytime khushi do this. When he strictly told everybody then when nobody got serious. It not about her health but something elese is tensing. The warning of Dhruv was still running in his mind then without hearing their story he left beings deaf ear. He drived towards the temple where khushi had told the family. On the way he was watching if khushi can be seen but to his dismay she wasn't. With heavy heart he reached the temple. And there he saw his car frome hich khushi has came. He stopped his car and ran towards it. The car was empty. The tyres were flat. That's mean someone purposely did this. Driver was also not their it means he is with them. He was wondering here and there. And asked some people about khushi while showing her pic. But nobody has seen her. He just wanted to be sure before filing the complaint of she is there or lost or if somebody kidnapped her. He again ki ed towards the car from which khushi came. And watched inside it and there he saw the note. He picked it up and the content has pulled the land from his feet.

Your sexy and innocent wide is with me chote. By the time you have got the note she will be with me. And I know you got the idea who am I so there is no need to give you my introduction. Remember Chote I told you I will take every single revenge from you. For everything you did to my family. So here it is. Now your beautiful wife is with me. And now I am gonna take her with me. Obviously arnav who leave alone their beautiful wife with so much sexiness. And you should have out some bodyguards for her. You haven't gave me chance but now you did then face the result of it. I am leaving arnav taking your wife and that will be your punishment. Now I don't need any revenge from you. This will your punishment now bear it for lifetime.

Your Bhai

He crumble the note with his feast and then he was going to throw it but he stopped. And then put in pocket safely. In hurriedness Dhruv forget that this not would be a proof against him. Arnav was reddened by now with anger and angry tears were flowing out from his eyes. He composed himself and took out his mobile from pocket. And dialled a no.

Arnav : Kabir!!! where are they heading.___ okay I am coming over there you must follow it don't get interupted in mid.

And then he kept the call. Dhruv is fool if thought arnav will let him go so easily or if he thought after his treat he will leave his family members like this without giving them protection and that too specially khushi when he knows Dhruv have evil eyes on her. But it's okay soon he will clear his misconceptions and will clear this matter for alwayssss. With this he sat in car and drive the location where Kabir told him. Soon he is going to check her wife and if any scratches would be in her then Dhruv will see his last day today. In all this he forget to check the reports.

Hollaaa guysss so here is the update guys... Do vote and comment. No proof reading. Guys for VM you would have to follow my insta account and there you can watch the latest VM on arshi on igtv. Do follow guys. Below is my insta account.

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