Anniversary note

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Happpppyyyyy 9th annnivversaarryyyy guyssss

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Happpppyyyyy 9th annnivversaarryyyy guyssss.... Well... Well... Well... I know it's quite late but what to do just got time to post something about our favourite show.... I really dont know what to say and how to express and how to celebrate this occasion. You know the kind of feeling when you want to laugh and cry at the same time. This feeling, this emotion is running in my head as well as from heart.... What to say about our dear Arshi and Sarun... I only can say that life is incomplete without them. Not a single day is there when I never watch something related to them and when I don't read their ffs. I re- read the ffs which I like the most... Today I am happy as well as feeling like to cry. Happy because this is the day when we got our sarun our arshi in our life... And sad because the way it ended. I still remember I was crying, praying to God that it shouldn't be end. But we all know nothing was in our hand. Amidst this when show was going to end there was news that some one else is going to play the role of arnav instead of barun that time I pray to god it's better to end then watching someone else with Sanaya as arnav.... And when its ended it was so heartbreaking..... I used to cry at night like I have my heart break. My very first heart break. I was not having anything at that time... I was a topper of my class and marks suddenly dropping down in one of my unit tests... That is the impact they left on me. Still I want them to see together..still I feel happy whenever any news of both comes on channel. I don't know when they become this much important in my life...  And I can say that I can't live without them... I love them unconditionally... And going to do so my entire life... I swear on God after IPKKND ended I never watch any TV show because nothing interested me after them...Many shows will come and go but IPKKND season 1 will be IPKKND..... This is my feeling... There is so much to say but as we know words can't express our feeling, and what we feel.... You guys also tell me what you felt when the show was going to end.. I want to know each one's emotions.. till then take care stay safe

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