Chapter 28 : Passionate

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With these he captured her lips and made loved to her in day light. There passion speaks volumes.


After their day light love making session. They slept of some time.. Arnav was the first one who woke up and he pack necessary stuff which is needed for the place they are hoing. He doesn't want her to have a little doubt about the place that's why he was back early from the office. At night they had their dinner early so that they could sleep for sometime.


At 1:30 am

Arnav woke up khushi as she have to get ready and also airport is 30 minutes away from RM. she was rubbing her eyes as it was late and she wants to sleep.

Arnav : babu wake up get ready we have to go to the airport also.

She snuggle close to him closing her eyes and said cutely.

Khushi : Arnav ji I m very sleepy.

Arnav laughed at her cuteness. He wanted to capture her lips she was looking so cute and the messy hair were adding extra beauty on her face. But this is not the time to do this they have to catch the flight. He made her to come out from hug and said again.

Arnav : baby right now please wake up otherwise we will miss our flight sleep how much you want when once we reach to the destination.

She came out from his arms and stood up Arnav gave her clothes which she has to wear on flight. It was jeans and top. She saw him and then said

Khushi : arnva ji this??? I don't wear this stuffs and from where you got it.

Arnav : baby please wear this as the place we are going you will need this type of clothes their.

She nodded her head. She was so sleepy that she doesn't went to bathroom to change bht started to change in their room. Arnav saw how she is doing things with laziness and of she is going to change in this speed then definately they will miss the flight. So he helped her in changing. First he helped her in wearing white top. Amd then he helped her in wearing jeans. He sat on his knees they started to button her jeans and zipped it up also. They got ready. Arnav holds her securely because he can see they she is not fully woked. They met Raizada people in living room who were also their to see off them. They they set in car and went to airport all the time khushi was sleeping on his shoulder. When they reached airport their Arnav carried her in his lap like a baby. And by one hand he hold their trolly.

He hurriedly went to checking area carrying khushi in his arms and gave the ticket and passport to the lady who was checking their boarding passes

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He hurriedly went to checking area carrying khushi in his arms and gave the ticket and passport to the lady who was checking their boarding passes. She saw him and smile a little then she told him to show khushi's face so that she can identify her. He doesn't want khushi to woke up as she was fast asleep so he told her.

Arnav : could you please saw her face by backside as I don't want to wake her up.

Lady was happy seeing this much caring nature of Arnav and everybody who were in que also gave a small smile. And some were talking and saying how cutee they are. Lady nodded her head and went to check khushi.
She saw here sleeping like baby a cute baby then let them enter in flight.

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