Chapter 36 : Trust

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Anjali : let's bygones the things. Today is a very special day. All the things had been cleared in our path. Let's celebrate. Today the lunch would be from my side. And with that everybody started to cheer each other. Arnav and Khushi went to their room to have some rest. Khushi was already sleeping in Arnav's arm. But Arnav was unable to sleep the challenge Dhruv throw upon him is not letting him sleep. He will surely do something to hurt him. So he decided to protect each of his family members. With this thought he also slept


In evening they have their tea and then dinner. Khushi was still not came out of jet lagged. She was still feeling a little headache and dizziness so arnav makes her to eat early and took her in room to make her rest. They both were laying on bed. Khushi was in his arms her one hand is on his stomach Arnav's one arm was under her head and second was holding her hand which was on his stomach. He turned towards her and the started to nuzzled her neck. He is worried khushi can understand this from his gesture. So she took his face in her hands and looked into his eyes
Khushi : what happened.

Arnav nodded negatively but he saw her questioning eyes and he sighed

Arnav : I am worried about you..

She kept stroking his stubble cheeks.

Khushi : why

Arnav then stood up and sat on the bed. Khushi also joined him. She can't stand his worried face.

Arnav : Dhruv!!! He will surely do something and my instinct are saying he will do something with you.

And his eyes got moisted so he turned other side not to show her his weakness. But how stupid he is. They already cross the discomfort level with each other long back. She holding his cheeks turned him again towards her. With a small smile she thought to tease him so that he would feel little bit light.

Khushi : from when great Arnav Singh Raizada started to get worried and scared

But he didn't smile he gave a little bit angry glare to her

Arnav : this is not some joke.. let it be you won't get it.

With this he was going to lay down again but she caught his arms and said

Khushi : I understand... If not me then who is going to understand you turmoil.

He saw into her eyes for sometime and then hugged her. Khushi started to stroke his head.

Khushi : I believe you Arnav ji... You will handle it like always.

He came out of her hold and then he gave smile to her trust which she shows on him. Then he took her hands in his

Arnav : promise you won't leave me again and will take every precaution. She just nodded her head. Then again took him in her arms. When their clothes came out of her body they don't know and then they were lost in themselves.


Next morning arnav eyes were not opening fully. He was still in sleepy mood but his eyes shot opened when he heard some one sound as if some one vomiting and he came out of his sleep and ran towards the washroom. And started to bang loudly.

Arnav : khushi are you there

But only splashing of water sound could be heard from the bathroom he again bang the door.

Arnav : khushi open the door please

After sometime khushi opened the door but she was in sub conscious state and was going to fall but Arnav hold her at the right time. He took her in his arms and carried her towards bed and then made her lay down. After some time she came into herself and sit on it.

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