Chapter 19 : Shocked

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Khushi : Sorry

Arnav : Khushi there is nothing to feel guilty. Please there was no fault of yours... He was cut by Khushi...

Khushi : not yours too.... My impatient behavior was the reason for all this mess.

Arnav just shook his head negatively and then just hugged her...


Khushi... Khushi are you ready or not we are getting late, hurry up otherwise we will not be able to reach on time...

Impatient Arnav was shouting for Khushi as today they are leaving the city of dreams... Mumbai. Yess today is the day when they are returning to their own home, to their own family THE RAIZADA MANSION. There is excitement in his voice to get to his home with Khushi. He only knows he he controlled himself on blurting out the truth to his di on their last call that Khushi is with him and their are coming back. It's been two months, two months of their reunion.... And he can't wait a second more to show his world that his assumption was always right of Khushi being alive. But why she is taking too much time. She was all ready in Morning then what would be the reason of her being late let me check.. while thinking this he went to room and saw her sitting on bed lost in her thoughts.. he went near her and kept his hand on her shoulder... She jerked out from her thoughts...

Arnav : Khushi what happened?? Why are you sitting like this?? Don't you want to go back to our family?

Khushi was looking in his eyes anxiously. Her eyes were already filled with tears

Khushi : N.. Noo,... ( Her voiced wad choked when she was saying this) Arnav kept both his hand on her face and asked

Arnav : Whyy... Khushi what happened they your family... They will be happy on seeing you alive... And you... You only said that day that you are missing them then what happened?? Sh... Sh... Stop crying what happened to you. Why you don't want to go there. To your house??? (He hugged her tightly and asked )

Khushi : Arnav ji... What... What if they will not accept me after getting to know that I...I was living my life in brothel. Will they accept me after knowing this. How will I face them... How... How will I able to meet their eyes... They will surely not accept me... ( While saying this she started to cry a lot).

Arnav was telling really bad for her. What was her mistake in all this. Nothing... He also knows that her this thoughts are nothing but only misconception. No one is going to say anything to her. He was also feeling bad because he know she was the same Khushi who would fought for her self respect when anyone tries to hurt it. But right now this Khushi in his arms is totally broken. Who is scared for the small things. Time changes the people. He composed himself and said.

Arnav : Khushi that's your home. Your family... And you know they love you so much. Di, Nani, payal, babuji, Amma and buaji... All love you a lot... So there is nothing to worry about. And if you are thinking about spending you life in brothel. Then they also know you.... That you won't do anything to disgrace their family respect... Firstly you haven't choose it. It's the circumstances you were in that it makes you to go through it. So please don't blame yourself. And no one is going to say anything to you... Okay now stop shedding tears and come happily because this time Khushi Kumari Gupta if you don't want to come then also I m going to take you with me in my arms..

Khushi just nodded her head and sipped her tears. Arnav stoop up from bed and give his hand to hold it. She held it happily this time. And they started to go Delhi their place.


Khushi was talking to Razia and shayra thanking them and also to take care of them selves.. from the corner of her eyes she was watching arnav who was talking on the phone. But she is unaware that Arnav was also watching her time to time. To see if he is genuinely happy. And feel contendent when saw her blushing and smiling when shayra said something to her in her ears. Naughty girl must have said some naughty things... He smirked. He came out of his thoughts when he heard voice from the other side of the mobile..

Arnav : yeah di.. yeah I m here... No.. nothing something caught my attention.

Anjali : chote. You are sounding very happy.. what's the reason don't you want to tell your di...

Arnav : yes di I m happy and why to tell I m gonna show you the reason of my happiness in some hours...

Anjali : that means you are carrying to it Delhi... Waah chote is a thing or a person that making you happy.....

Arnav : now that is a surprise di... If I will tell you this then what's would be the surprise.. so have patience and wait for 4 hours more. And I m telling you the surprise I will show to you will be the biggest surprise I showed you till the date... Okay gota go now... There is announcement for me byee take care.

Anjali : bye and have safe journey... ( She kept phone and prayed to Devi mayiyaa to maintain this happiness in his brother life always.) Nani.... And she went to tell her grandma about chote returns and about surprise...

Arnav came to Khushi and told her that this is time to leave. Khushi hug everyone and said bye to thems.. in flight Khushi was little bit scared of take off. But our arnav managed to compose her calmly. And when the flight was landing she was so scared that she literally jumped on his lap and hugged him as tight as possible. Arnav smiled at her cuteness. And patted her head and kissed her on her hairs.

Car dropped then near Raizada gates. When they came out Khushi was watching the mansion very emotionally. It's been one and half year she never seen this mansion. She was missing the family. . But never tried to reach them... Because she was hurt. And now after one and half year she is here... To her home... Arnav took her hand in his and walked o the gates. He rang the bell and when the door was going to open suddenly a naughty idea came to his mind. He pushed Khushi behind him and she was shocked what is he doing... Anjali open the door. She saw her chote smiling and his smile is not usual. It has some naughtiness in it.

Anjali : what happened chote why are smiling like this. And you told me that you are going to show me your happiness. Where it is. And for that you also called Gupta family. Now don't take my patience and tell me..

When she was talking arnav dropped his mobile secretly on the floor

Arnav : di. Di.. stop first do arti and before that can you please pick up my phone you see my hands are full of luggage. Anjali sigh but she bent down to pick up his mobile. When she stand straight. Her jaw dropped down. Her mouth was open like a saucer. She was not blinking her eyes. Here I'm front of her standing Khushi. With a nervous smile.... Is it really or she is imagining the things now. Is she normal or she is going insane... Her whole body was shaking slightly..
.she wen to arnav and said.

Anjali : Chote... Chote I... I... Think I need to see... See Psychiatrist.. I.. am. Seeing Khushi hi right beside you. Or some baba that can be... Ghost of Khushi jiii.... You know....

At this Arnav laugh loudly. He was laughing like hell. His laugh was heard by whole family who were sitting there waiting for his comeback. When they come near door they saw him laughing like a mad tears were coming out of his eyes. Then they show near door and got shocked of their life..... There Khushi was standing.... Fidling with her fingers... Only one word came out from their mouth

Khushi bitiya...
Sanka Devi..
Khushi ji....

So here is the next update guysssss. So sorry for not updating this long.. keep voting and loving ..... And do comments.

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