Chapter 2

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(f/n) POV

Finally... Finally, I was seeing him after 20 long years without him. My heart was beating so fast I didn't know how I was still alive. He didn't even change. He still had the same mask (well maybe not the same but the same model), the same onyx eyes (or rather the same eye), the same messy spiky grey hair, the same eye smile. He was still perfect.

Soon after, he just rushed in my arms so fast I couldn't even see him move.

- It's good to see you again Kashi.

- Same here, (f/n).

Kashi was the nickname I gave him when I was little, because I struggled saying Kakashi. Ever since after, it just stayed that way.

- You know her, sensei ?

- Y-Yeah uh... Class's dismissed. I need to go see the Hokage right now.

His students looked at him really oddly but left anyways. He took me in his arm and brought me in the Hokage's office.

- Lord Hokage...

He was really out of breath after all this running.

- What can I do for you Kakashi ? And who is this pretty woman wit-

- Yes, this is (f/n).

- Okay, bring her to the hospital. We'll talk about the details of her arrival later.

- Yes, sir.

I tried to talk but I was just so exhausted that I fell asleep in Kakashi's arm.

Kakashi POV

As I was bringing (f/n) to the hospital like Lord Hokage asked me, she fell asleep in my arms. "Must be a long route uh ?" I thought. Even if I was really happy to see (f/n) again, I had to think straight.

After 20 years, what gave her a reason to be here ? I had to think about every possibility, even if I didn't want to believe them. First, she could have ran away not a long time ago. Second, she could be there on the order of Orochimaru. Third, she ran away long ago, but didn't come to the Leaf Village in first place. It could be everything. But still, thinking of her under the orders of Orochimaru pissed me off. I really wanted her to have ran away.

(f/n) POV

I woke up and looked at le clock. "10 am uh ?" I got here at dawn so it should probably be 3 hours later or a whole day that you've been here.

- Hi (f/n) !

I got scared when I heard Kakashi speaking. I didn't even pay attention to see if someone was with me in the room.

- Uh hi, Kashi...

I was not really in the mood to be enthusiast, anyway. I was happy but I just didn't have enough strength. It had been a long trip after all.

- How long have I been there ?

- An entire week.

"A WEEK ???" Damn, I really didn't think I could sleep this long. Sure I was feeling rested but still...

- Is that so ?

- Yeah, but you know, I've been at your side all this time !

- Always showing off uh, Kashi ?

- I'm glad you're awake (f/n).

I felt my heart racing in my chest. "He really stayed by my side for an entire week ? ... Always worrying about me this guy..." I thought.

- Well, since you're awake, the Hokage wanted to see you. But if you're not strong enough, we can still wait a few days again.

He was smiling behind his mask. I always thought it was really cute that almost all his face was covered, but you could still know when he was smiling.

- Why does he want to see me ?

- He wants to question you about Orochimaru and to make you pass a test to see which level of Shinobi you'll be.

- And I guess you're a Genin right ?

As I said, trying to hide a laugh.

- You'll be the Genin and I'm going to be your sensei, scumbag !

- Calm down with the insult, dickhead !

And we began to laugh like in the old times. I missed it so much. I missed HIM so much. It was like nothing had changed. But I knew that truly, I was not really free.

- But seriously (f/n)...

- Mhmm ?

- Are you ready to go see the Hokage ?

- Well... After sleeping a whole week, it's time for me to get my ass up this bed.

- Always so vulgar uh, (f/n) ? ... Come on, let's go.

He was still smiling at me while we were walking. On the road, we talked about nothing and everything. On how much I was absolutely stronger than him and that I was going to be his sensei no matter what. We were only bickering... Just like in the old times.

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now