Chapter 28

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Kakashi POV

I woke up and went to the bathroom. Uh... It has been a long time since I slept like that. I put on some clothes and went to the kitchen. I looked at the clock : 1 PM !? I clearly overslept. I grabbed an apple and rushed to the entrance of the village.

When I was running, two guys caught my eye. They were wearing black cloaks with red clouds. I stopped my run and hided. I tried to hear what they were saying but couldn't.

- Hey, Kakashi ! Weren't yo-

I put my finger on the mouth of Asuma and looked in their direction again. They disappeared.

- What's wrong Kakashi ?

- I think I just saw Akatsuki members.

Kurenai and Asuma looked really surprised.

- The Akatsuki ? Here ? Why ? Oh... Naruto, right ?

- Yeah, but he left with Jiraiya this morning.

- Good. Let's search them then. Kurenai and I will look at north. Go at south and the ones who don't find them will join the others.

Will all nodded and scattered. I found nothing at my emplacement, so I went to join the other two. When I catched to them, Kurenai was down in front of... Itachi ? And Asuma was fighting against... Shark Boi...

I made up a shadow clone and helped Asuma, countering the water jutsu of Shark Boi. The real me was standing behind Itachi, a kunai on the side of his throat.

- Itachi.

- Kakashi.

- What are you doing here ?

- I'll go straight to the point. I'm am looking for the nine tails : Naruto Uzumaki. Where is he ?

- I don't know. I heard you know (f/n) (l/n). Where is she ?

- (f/n)... It's been maybe a year since I last see her. I didn't know she came here. But, even if I knew where she was, I would never tell you.

- Then it'll goes the same with Naruto.

- I guess I'll have to force you then.

Itachi took a few shuriken in his hand. I was ready to dodge them when a water jutsu attacked me. I dodged it just in time. The shuriken were only a decoy. I didn't have time to think that his shadow clone stabbed me in the back. Luckily, I had time to make another shadow clone and switched places.

- Well, Kakashi, it seems I'll need to use my kekkei genkai on you.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them up, he was in Mangyeko Sharingan mode.


Everyone closed their eyes, including my non-sharingan eye.

- It is indeed true for Mangyeko Sharingan, but only to a certain extent. The jutsu I use, Tsukuyomi is unbreakable.

And without the time to blink, I was now in a nightmare place. I was nailed to a cross. (Proof that Kakashi is a God lmao) Itachi was slaughtering me again and again for 72 hours.

When the martyr ended, I finally woke up from his Genjutsu and immediately passed out.

(f/n) POV

- I'm going to leave for maybe a week or two. Master Orochimaru is going to meet someone that can heal his arms.

- What will happen to me ?

- Oh, don't worry honey. The drug won't, evidently, work on you anymore. So, I'll have to tie you to the bed. I'll make solute that will be given to you by intravenous. You'll have everything to stay alive.

- Are you fucking serious ?

- Of course, I am.

Before I could say anything else, Kabuto injected something in my arm that made me loose consciousness immediately.

~Time Skip~

- (f/n) !

I woke up suddenly. I wasn't tied up to the bed like I thought I would. I looked around me and saw :

- Itachi ! Oh my god, you are my savior !

I tried to get up to give him a hug, but I tripped in my own feet. Itachi caught me just in time. I still wasn't used to walk again.

- What is happening (f/n) ? Why were you tied up ?

- Yeah... We should get out of here now. Before someone sees us. Let's go to our secret hideout.

He nodded and teleport us to the hideout we used to have when we were younger. He dropped me on the couch and sit next to me.

- So much memories, uh Ichi ?

- Don't try to change the subject. What is happening to you ?

- Okay. Long short story : Orochimaru asked me to go to the Hidden Leaf Village to bring Sasuke to him. I thought about it and finally decided to refuse. I talked about it to the Hokage. We built up a plan that obviously didn't work. I got kidnapped by a guy named Kabuto that works for Orochimaru. And that's how I ended up there.

- Well, Lord 3rd is dead. The village is destroyed and Sasuke is... alright, I guess. But... That means that the Leaf Village was searching you to rescue you...

- What ? Someone was searching for me ? How do you know that ?

- I kind of visited the Leaf Village earlier this week and... I kind of...

- Don't tell me you killed someone ?

- No, no, no. He's not dead. I just thought Kakashi was searching you to kill you or I don't know. So, he's in a deep, deep coma right now.


- I'm sorry ! Wait, what ? Boyfriend ?

- Yeah... When we finally got to see each other again, it just clicked you know. And he better was searching for me that dumbass.

I giggled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

- It's good to see you tho, little bro.

- Oh, and talking of little bros. Did you meet yours ?

- What are you talking about ?

- Your little brother, you know ?

- I don't have a little brother, Itachi...

He got a surprised look and gave me dumb smile, scratching the back of his head.

- Of course, you don't have one. I'm so stupid haha...

- Itachi... You know you can't lie to me. I know you way too well.

- Okay, okay... But if you don't know about it, I shouldn't be the one to tell you.

- Cut the crap and spit it out.

- Uh... Naruto is your little brother.

So, yeah you are the daughter of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. I know, I know... Your dad had you at like 6-8 years old if we follow the real ages. Let's just say Minato and Kushina were 16, okay ? 

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now