Chapter 24

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(f/n) POV

I leaned my head on his shoulder, hugging his arm while we were walking. I did not pay attention where we were until I noticed we were not on the way home.

- Where are we going, Kashi ?

- We are going to the hospital like we talked earlier. Well, if you don't want to go, we can go back home.

- No, no that's fine. I just forgot. The sooner, the better, you know.

We arrived at the hospital 5 minutes later. We each did a STD screening test and headed back home after. According to the nurse, the results will be out in a week.


I rushed in Kakashi's apartment heading right to the bedroom. I took off every piece of clothes I had on and I wore the hoodie he gave me earlier this morning. He followed me, taking off everything on him and putting a pair of joggings on. He climbed onto the bed and collapsed next to me.

- Kashi ?

- Yes, beautiful little thing ?

- Eh... What did you call me ?

I looked at him with a disapproval look.

- I'm trying to find a cute nickname for you. You don't like "beautiful little thing" ?

- Hell no.

- Then... What about "tomato" ?

He took a strand of your red vibrant hair as he was saying that. This color was coming from your mother's hair. You inherited a lot from your mother. In fact, the only thing you had from your father was your blue piercing eyes.

- Hmph... I could call you "old man".

You said, ruffling his silver hair.

- Okay, I get it. Maybe "sweetheart", "baby girl", "honey", "babe", "raspberry pie", "the fucking love of my life" ?

- Honestly, I don't mind. I'll love every name you'll give me, unless it's "tomato" or "beautiful little thing".

I chuckled at the end of my sentence.

- Alright, the fucking love of my life.

He winced and pulled me closer to him. I gave him a tight hug, burying my face in his neck. We were cherishing our intimate moment until he broke the silence.

- It has been hell of a day. What can I do to cheer you up, honey ?

I pulled away from his grip and gave him a short kiss on the cheek.

- Mhmm... Hug me. Kiss me. Cook something good like you always do. Love me. And, mhmm... Let me read your book.

He had a surprised look after I told my last sentence.

- Uh ? You want to read my book ?

- Yeah... I mean, if you find it that good, I guess it can't be that bad. I may like it, you know.

- Okay, I don't mind at all. But I'll give it to you later. I still have to cuddle and kiss you before that.

- Oh ! And play with my hair !

- You're so demanding. You're lucky I love you.

- Love you more.

- Meh... Not possible.

He climbed up on me and laid down so there was nothing between our bodies. I traveled my hand on his bare back, grabbing his cutie ass on the way. He began to kiss and suck my sweet spot in the neck.

- Kakashi...

He chuckled from my moan.

- And you said you didn't have a sweet spot, uh ?

- Oh, shut up and kiss me like a man.

- You're so hot, princess.

He rushed his soft lips on mine. That was, without a doubt, the most intense kiss we had. He slipped his hand under the hoodie and grabbed one of my breasts. I put my hand under his pants and grabbed his ass. I could feel his erect member on my thigh. The moment was so intense, I was scared it could go further.

Kakashi and I broke the kiss to catch our breath and, like he knew what I was thinking, he said :

- Don't worry (f/n). I won't go any further. I know you're not ready at all. I will never do anything you don't want me to do. Okay ?

I was so reassured.

- You know me better than I know myself, Kashi.

- Yeah, I just know. You know ?

- I guess I know that you know that I know. You know ?

He looked at me with an incomprehensive look and chuckled.

- You lost me there. But, less talking, more kissing.

He put one finger against my lips as a sign to stop talking and rushed his lips to my lips again. I lost the notion of time and it was just the two of us, alone in the world.

I started to introduce a real big thing to the story about (f/n). I'd like to hear your theories, Ya know, if someone can find it just with this chapter, I'll be impressed. I think it's not oblivious, but I can't really say. That's something big and I was just curious if someone would see it so far. Well... My future readers since I'm the only one reading my latest chapter so far lmao.

Oh and, don't worry, it will move on the next chapters. More action, less romance, is coming !

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now