Chapter 21

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Kakashi POV

- So... Basically, I graduated from the academy at 8.

- In one year only ? Wow, you were good !

- Were ? I am.

I said that with a sarcastic tone. I laughed lightly and continued my story.

- So, anyway, when I became a Genin, we were assigned in teams of 3 with a sensei. Well, like it's done today. I was in a team with Obito and Rin who were 1 year older than me. Like you already know, after my dad's death, the only thing that was important to me were the rules. And, seriously, Obito was my exact opposite.

I smiled of nostalgia. I felt warm inside, remembering the good moments with my team. But, the rest of the story wasn't going to be happy at all.

- I became finally a Jonin at the age of 10. I had been assigned to my first mission : leading my team for an infiltration mission. Everything was pretty easy, since our Sensei was doing a diversion. Well, until Rin got kidnapped. The foolish kid I was ordered to continue the mission no matter what. Obito didn't take it well. For him, rescuing Rin was a priority. We got in a fight and what he said at that moment changed me. "I believe the White Fang is a true hero ! In the ninja world, those who don't follow the rules are trash. But those who abandon their friends are even worse than trash", he said. I thought about it for a couple of hours and finally regretted letting him and Rin down. So, I ran to them. We fought with some guy. My scar on my left eye came from that battle. We finally found Rin and tried to escape with her, but the roof, of the cave we were in, started to fall. We tried to get out, but Obito ended up getting crushed by a huge rock. He knew he was going to die. We all knew it. On his last moment of life, he gave me his eye. With the Sharingan. We were just starting to get along and he had to die... I- I...

I felt overwhelmed by my emotions. I started crying and sobbing.

- Hey baby, it's okay. I don't want to push you.

- I'm fine... It's just something I never talked about to someone... I want you to know.

- Okay.

- So... About one year later, some hidden mist ninja had the amazing idea of making Rin a Jinchuriki. It was the 3 trails that was inside her. We were fighting over enemies that were way too many for just the two of us. I did everything I could, but when she felt it was lost, she decided to kill herself. I was going to charge at an enemy with my Chidori when she jumped in front of me.

I looked at my hands with disgust.

- It's my hands that killed her. Even if it was her choice, I would never forgive myself for being too weak. For not being able to stop my Chidori. For killing her...

I just couldn't talk anymore. I never thought I could lose control of myself like that.

(f/n) POV

He was crying so much he couldn't even breath properly.

- Shh... Let it all out, Kashi. ... I guess we just didn't have luck in life, the two of us.

He tried to breath normally and said :

- What do you say ? I am lucky... I have you. I couldn't be happier.

- That's why you're crying ?

- Shut up (f/n). You know what I meant.

He was laughing, not a lot, but it was still a success. He had huge puffy eyes and his cheeks were all wet because of the tears. He was like a rainbow : sun and rain at the same time, making something beautiful.

- You are like a rainbow.

- What ?

- Never mind, I understand myself. It's just... You're so beautiful when you cry. I just love that part of you. You know, the crybaby hiding in the though guy. It just make me feel special to see that "you". And still, you're smiling. I couldn't find someone hotter in the universe.

- All you're saying is that I'm hot. Hmph, you only like me for my look.

He did a sulky grimace and turned himself to face the wall.

- Well, if you don't want me anymore, I guess you'll have to learn how to do a blowjob to yourself.

I said with a sarcastic tone. I heard him mumbling something.

- What ?

He turned himself back to me and got closer to my ear. He whispered to me :

- I already succeeded doing it.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ?"

Sorry for the boring chapter ! Since people (like me) couldn't have seen these episodes yet, I had to resume them. Oh yeah, I'm only around the 100th episode of Shippuden right now. I watched a couple of episode in advance, so I could have the general idea of the story but that's all I know. If I made a mistake in the story, please someone tell me :P

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now