Chapter 23

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(f/n) POV

We entered the building and went directly to the Hokage office.

- Enter, please.

We came inside the office and Kakashi talked first.

- Hello, Lord 3rd. Do you have a few minutes ? We have some urgent business to discuss with you.

The Hokage looked at me for a second and asked a question.

- Is it Orochimaru ?

I was shocked. He knew. But, how ?

- What ? How can you possibly know ?

- You, (f/n), are the worst possible liar. I knew it right away. You may have delivered your speech perfectly, but your eyes were saying the exact opposite.

- So, why ? Why accepting me knowing I was a threat to this village ?

- First of all, the question is are you a threat ? Do you want bad things to happen to the Leaf Village ?

- No, not at all.

- Then I don't see why you could be a threat. And, I guess I couldn't possibly bear Kakashi begging me to keep you any longer.

I looked at my perfect lover. He was the reason I had been accepted. He couldn't have done anything better in the last 3 weeks. He looked back at me and took my hand. I wanted to hug and kiss him so bad, but I had to keep it for later. The only thing I could do was to whisper something, so only him could hear it.

- I owe you my life, Kakashi. You did more for me in these last 3 weeks, than anyone did in my entire life. I'll do anything for you.

He whispered back :

- Your love is more than enough.

We looked at each other for a few seconds and the Hokage continued talking.

- So, I'm listening at what you have to say, (f/n).

- Yes, sorry. Orochimaru sent me here with only a simple mission : make him meet Sasuke. It's supposed to happen the day of the final round of the Chunin Exam, in two weeks. Precisely, I have to bring Sasuke out of the village at the meeting location, if the plan doesn't change. Furthermore, he clearly precise to bring Sasuke by is own will and to tell him the truth. If he decided not to come, he said he'll make thing happens, so he'll come by his own will. That's pretty much what he said.

- What do you mean thing happens ?

- Well, if he doesn't come, I don't know. But, if I don't even try, he'll kill everyone I love and will destroy the village. I can't possibly lie to him, because he has a spy here. I don't know who, but I know he has.

Without even wanting, I tightened my grip on Kakashi's hand. He immediately felt it and kissed discreetly my shoulder to comfort me.

- And I guess that, in the people you love, Kakashi is there ?

- Yes, but he won't be the only one killed for sure. If he wants to destroy the village, he'll kill anyone that come in his way, even people that are not shinobis.

- I understand very well the gravity of the situation, but we won't hand Sasuke no matter what. We'll find something else. But, before that, I'll need every single details of the relation you have with Orochimaru. It will be very handy on the elaboration of the role you can have.

- Well... He was like a teacher to me. Every jutsu I know, or almost, it's from him. He trained me personally since the first day I was kidnapped. I began to do mission for him on the age of 14. I think that's pretty much it. We weren't really close.

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now