Chapter 5

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(f/n) POV

We arrived at Ichiraku and the 3 kids I saw a week ago were already there.

- Ugh, you're always late Kakashi-sensei. What is your excuse this time ?

- Well, Naruto, I had to take your new sensei to her apartment.

- Uh ? You're not going to be our sensei anymore ?

- Noooo, it's not that at all. But, since Sasuke and you made it to the final round of the Chunin Exam, (f/n) will train you and I'll train Sasuke.

- Ugh ! Why am I stuck with her ? I bet she's way weaker than you, Kakashi-sensei.

I looked at him with anger in my eyes. I couldn't control myself when enemies were underestimating me because I'm a girl. And, even with people I don't want to hurt, I just couldn't control myself. I hated that so much. I was going to yell the bottom of my thoughts to this kid, when Kakashi bent over to say something to that child's ear. The eyes of the blond kid started to shine with embarrassment and admiration. "What did he say to him ?", I thought.

- Alright ! So, I'll make official presentations. (f/n), this is Naruto-

He pointed the blond kid with percent blue eyes that I'll be training apparently.

- Sakura-

A slim girl with pink hair and green eyes was waving her hand at me.

- And Sasuke.

"Sasuke ? Hmph, it's going to be easier than I thought since I'm her sensei.", I said to myself. He's like an emo kid, only wearing black and dark blue. He had onyx eyes like Kakashi's ones, but unlike him, Sasuke had anger in his eyes. Probably the desire of revenge.

- Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, this is (f/n), you new sensei.

- Hi ! I'm happy to meet you all. And since we are going to be together a lot, I hope you'll stop thinking I'm weaker than Kakashi, Naruto.

I gave him a death glare.

- Yeah, no... Sorry about that (f/n)-sensei.

- Don't worry kid. I'm just messing with you. But shouldn't we eat now ? I'm so hungry !

We sat and ordered our meal. I was sitting between Naruto and Kakashi. I was talking with Naruto about what he already knew and what he would like to improve or learn. Then, I saw that Kakashi wasn't eating. He was taking his meal as a take-out.

- Why aren't you eating here, Kakashi ?

He whispered to me.

- Because, every time I take my mask off, I can't get her off me for an entire week.

He was pointing a girl behind the bar. Naruto, who heard everything we had say, said out loud :

- Ugh, Kakashi-sensei never wants to show us his real face. Like he has a really unaesthetic trait on his face or something.

He rolled his eyes. I whispered in his ear :

- I've seen his face many times when we were kid and he is really cute. I think that if he wasn't wearing a mask, all the girls of Konoha would chase him.

He looked at me with a depressive look.

-So... He is just a normal guy ? No huge lips ? No buckteeth ? No tiny mouth ? Like, he's just hot ?

- Yeah... Sorry to deceive you.

- It's okay ! I'm still so curious to see his face and count on me to never stop trying ! Believe it !

I smiled at him and turned myself to Kakashi who was reading his book.

- You really like this book, uh ?

I said with a nuaghty smile. I saw a little bit of a blush on the end of his mask.

- I'm just doing research.

- On what ? Female anatomy ?

I started to laugh.

- On things that I could do to y-... Someone.

- You're such a perv ! Are you thinking about someone in particular ? Like a girlfriend or a crush ?

I said that with innocent eyes. I hoped he was talking about me, but I didn't say anything about it. It has only been a week (well, one day of consciousness) that we were together again. Even if I felt that nothing changed, maybe he had a girlfriend or maybe he was gay. We missed 20 years of each others lives. Who knew what happened in his life ?

- Um... Well, someone that I'd like to ask to be my girlfriend, but I don't feel doing it yet. We haven't seen each other for a while, and I'd like to relearn to know her. I don't want it to be to soon, you know. I think I still like her old herself, but I don't know anything about her now. I can't go out with someone I don't know. You know ?

I wasn't dupe ! He was describing perfectly our relationship. I felt butterflies in my stomach knowing he once liked me too, but I wasn't sure if I was able to ask it. But I took my courage with my 2 hands and I asked it.

- Is it me ?... Is it me that you're talking about, Kashi ?

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now