Chapter 25

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(f/n) POV

The final round of the Chunin Exams is tomorrow. I trained Naruto every day for the past 2 weeks. He learned to control the nine tails chakra and his own. Plus, He is now able to summon a toad (thanks to Jiraiya). He improved pretty well. I am so proud of him.

It's been a week since I last saw my man. He went on a training trip with Sasuke, again. He's supposed to come back tomorrow a few hours before the Chunin Exams start. When he'll come back, I am going to brief him the plan against the attack of Orochimaru.

The plan is pretty simple : I will meet Orochimaru like I'm supposed to. But I will bring a "fake Sasuke" with me instead of the true one. In fact, a qualified ANBU will transform himself in Sasuke. Kakashi and a bunch of Jonin will follow us in case something happens.

- (F/N)-SENSEI !

- Mhmm, what ?

The scream of Naruto made me came out of my thoughts.

- You didn't eat at all since we are here.

- Oh yeah... I'm not really hungry, I guess.

His eyes lighted up.

- Can I eat your bowl ?

- Yeah, yeah. Treat yourself. I know how much you like ramen.


And he ate my bowl in a quarter of second.

- You know that tomorrow is the big day, right ? I want you to sleep early tonight and to eat a big breakfast tomorrow. Meet me at the usual training spot at 5 AM tomorrow. We'll revise everything you learned in the past month. Alright ?

- Yes, (f/n)-sensei.

He looked discouraged by the early appointment tomorrow.

- I know it's early. But, that'll wake you up, so you'll be even more ready to destroy that bitch-ass Neji.


- Language !

- But... That's what you said !

- Yeah, I'm an adult and you're not. Destroy his ass and I'll let you say it.

- I won't lose to him. Because I never go back on my words. Believe it !

- I can't wait to see that tomorrow.

I smiled at him, so did he. As he was eating his 9th bowl of ramen, I checked the time it was. He was better be going to bed soon.

- Hey, Naruto. Go home, it's late. I'll pay for your bill. Just go home now.


- Stop calling me mom or it's going to be the last time I pay for your ramen.

By the time I blinked, he was already gone. "Such a child", I said to myself, rolling my eyes. I paid for the bill and went back home. The apartment was empty without Kakashi. It was a lonely place. Sometimes, I slept in his apartment, just because it was like he was there. Everything was smelling like him, you know. Ugh... I climbed on my bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning

I was already at the training spot, waiting for Naruto. I looked at my watch : 5h53 AM. He was late and from almost an hour. I decided to go check on him at his house. When I got there, he was still sleeping.


He jumped, falling down from his bed.

- Uh... (f/n)-sensei ? What... What are you doing here ?

- You're one hour late for our meeting, Naruto ! Get ready and fast ! The final round is starting in less than 2 hours. You'll have to train alone tho. I have to meet with Kakashi for... a mission.

- Yeah right, a mission...

He looked at me with naughty eyes and winked at me.

- Yeah ! A real mission to save Sasuke ! You know, your friend ?

- Uh ? What is it with Sasuke ?

He looked concerned.

- I can't tell you more, but I really have to go. Be sure to be at the final round emplacement at 8 AM sharp.

- Yes (f/n)-sensei.

- Alright, have fun with your early training.

And I left. I rushed to the place that me and Kakashi were supposed to meet, but he wasn't there yet. I sat at the bottom of a tree and waited for him, a book in my hand. Surprisingly, Make Out Paradise was hell of a good book. While Kakashi was gone, I read his book to pass time and I surprised myself liking it. I guess I'm kind of a perv too.

I waited there for almost an hour, reading, until I felt something on my shoulder. I looked up and saw his cute smile. I closed the book and immediately gave him a hug. I missed him a lot.

- I missed you, princess.

- Me too, Kashi.

I pulled away from his grip, but he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer, rushing his bare lips on mine. We kissed for maybe 5 long minutes until we moved away from each other.

- So, what's the plan ?

- Okay, it's simple. I'm going to meet Orochimaru with a "fake Sasuke", played by an ANBU man. You and some other Jonin will follow us from behind in case something happen. After that, we leave the rest to the ANBU. Did you hide Sasuke at the place the Hokage asked you to ?

- Yup, he can't leave that place, nor someone can enter except me or the Hokage.

- Good, so he'll stay there until Orochimaru left. The Hokage is already aware that he could be late to his fight with Gaara.

- When are we going to move ?

- When the final round will start. We have...

I looked at my watch.

- 55 minutes until 8 AM. But we should meet the team at 7h30 AM to prepare everything. I guess we have 25 minutes left.

He pulled me closer to him, lowered his mask and whispered in my ear :

- 25 minutes is more than enough to have some fun.

He smirked and began kissing me in my neck.

- Kakashi... We can't do that now.

- Why not ?

- Look around you, we are in a public place !

- No one ever come in this forest. That's why I chose it for our meeting.

- Kakashi...

- Okay, okay... But I still can kiss you, right ?

- Uh... Yeah, whatever.

- You're not really enthusiast.

He chuckled.

- I'm just so stressed.

He gave me a hug, patting the back of my head and cuddling my back.

- Don't worry, everything will be alright.

- I hope so...

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now