Chapter 3

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(f/n) POV

- Ah ! Welcome (f/n) ! Did you rest well ?

- Very well, Lord Hokage. I'm glad to see you again.

- The feeling is shared, (f/n). Good. So now, Kakashi, I'll ask you to leave for a moment please. Someone will let you know when to come back.

- Yes, sir.

And Kakashi left. How could this guy be always smiling ? I felt stressed because I knew what was coming. Lord Hokage was going to ask me questions about Orochimaru. I couldn't tell the truth of course, so I reminded myself every details of my story in my head.

- Look (f/n), I know it must have been 20 painful years, but I need to ask you these questions. Who knows what Orochimaru could be up to ?

- I totally understand, so go ahead.

I really tried to not look anxious, but DAMN I was.

- Okay, so first-

And he asked me his questions. He looked really understanding and I delivered my story without a single error. I didn't even splutter once.

- (f/n), thanks for your cooperation. I can't imagine how it has been difficult. I'm really glad you're home again.

- Yeah... No problem. I guess...?

I hated lying to everyone, but I didn't have a choice ! Orochimaru was going to kill me or worse, he was going to attack the Leaf Village. It was the life of a single boy against the security of the whole village.

- Well ! I think it's time for your evaluation. After it, I'll decide if you're going to be a Genin, a Chunin or a Jonin.

- Alright, I'm ready old man !

At the moment I said that, Kakashi entered the room.

- So (f/n), for your evaluation, you'll have to fight with Kakashi.

- Pff... So easy.

I said, rolling my eyes.

- If that's what you think. You know I won't go easy on you, (f/n).

Damn, he had the brightest smile. How could I resist that ? Anyway, we took place face to face, waiting for the Hokage to start the battle.

- Okay, when you're ready, you can start !

We were looking at each other in the eyes. The tension was at his maximum. Then, I did the first move. I threw a bunch of kunai at him that he dodged easily. "Okay, he's kind of good", I thought. Without even the time to think, he was right behind me trying to put a kunai against my throat. I dodged at the last second and then I tried to make him fall using my foot. I missed him of course. It was a reckless move. He started making signs, but I surprised him with my transparency jutsu behind him. The person he was fighting was only my shadow clone. I put my kunai against his throat making me win instantly.

- I'm still better than you after all these years, Kakashi.

- Hmph, if I used my Sharingan, I could have seen this, ages ago.

- Your Sharingan ???

You were interrupted by the 3rd Hokage.

- Congratulation (f/n), you are promoted to the rank of Jonin ! I'll let you work with Kakashi and his team until we find something else for you. Plus, I'll let Kakashi take you to your apartment.

We left the Hokage's office and started walking home.

- What did you say about Sharingan earlier ? You're not a Uchiha. How could you-

You were interrupted by him.

- Look, I'm not in the mood to talk about how I get it. It's not a really beautiful story, but...

He pulled up his headband revealing his left Sharingan eye.

- Woah, that's hell of a scar you have down and up your eye. So, you have like just one Sharingan eye. That's pretty fucked up. Just like you.

I smiled and so did he. "Wow, he still has such beautiful eyes", I couldn't help to think.

- Oh ! Look, we're here (f/n).

-That's here I'll live ?

- Yes, and that's here I live too. We'll be neighbours.

- Yay ! Sleepovers !

I know my chapters aren't that long. They are about 700-800 words, but I try to publish new one every time I can ! I have already another one written, so I'll release it within the next hour too. Let me know if you like it. I try to not rush things against (f/n) and Kashi but the true romance will come in maybe again 7-8 chapters. Like I said I really want things to be conceived like I like it. For real, it's just my dreams that are written so I already know a lot of the story. I promise it's worth the cost to wait ! See ya later my 17 readers ;P

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now