Chapter 14

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(f/n) POV

I fell in his arms and started crying. I felt so torn by my feelings. If I cooperated with Orochimaru, I would be treated as a traitor. But, if I followed my heart and went with Kakashi, Orochimaru would kill all those who were dear to me.

- Hey (f/n), are you okay ? What's wrong ?

I had to tell him. Maybe he could understand, maybe he could help me making a choice.

- I love you so much too, Kashi. Believe me. Please believe me.

- Of course, I believe you. What's wrong ?

- I didn't ran away from Orochimaru. He sent me here with a mission.

- W- What do you mean ?

- Please forgive me, Kashi. I can't lose you again. I just want a normal life ! I just want a life with you.

- What have you done (f/n) ?

He had a concerned voice.

- Nothing yet, but it will come in 2 weeks.

- We can still stop it ?

- Yes, but he will destroy the Leaf Village and he will kill everyone that I love. You, in particular. I can't let that happen ! I can't lose you.

- What does he want you to do ?

- Handing him Sasuke. Not kidnapping him, just leading him to where Orochimaru is by his own will.

I fell in tears. I didn't know if Kakashi was going to forgive me, if he was going to denounce me. I was so scared.

Kakashi POV

I was furious, but not because of (f/n). But, because of what this bitchy Orochimaru asked her. She didn't have a choice but to cooperate or the people she loves will be killed. I would do anything to see Obito or Rin again, so I understood. After all, I can't live without her again. We were going to find a solution.

(f/n) POV

I was crying like I never cried before. I just hoped he would forgive me. I didn't have enough voice to talk, but I tried to whisper.

- Please forgive me. I love you so much.

He hugged me harder. He placed his head on my shoulder and took a deep breath.

- (f/n)... I'm certainly not really happy that you lied to me, but... I would do the same thing as you if it was to protect you or my friends. Now, I want you to be 100% honest with me okay ? No more secret.

- I promise. I love you so much. Thank you for not leaving me...

- How could I leave you ? I love you too much for that.

I was so relieved. He forgave me. I continued crying, but this time it was most tears of relief and happiness. He took my chin with his hand and lift my head up. He looked at me with a sad smile and kissed me. It wasn't like the other kiss, it was a much slower one and more passionate one. He broke the kiss and said...

- Now, we have to think about a strategy. We won't hand Sasuke no matter what, so we have to be prepared for the attack. I suggest we go talk about this to the Hokage tomorrow.

- Okay...

I said with a sad smile. I couldn't even think about the reaction of the 3rd Hokage. After all the lies I said to him, was he going to forgive me ?

- (f/n), I know what you are thinking. Don't worry, if the Hokage don't forgive you, I'm going to force him to.

He looked at me with such determinate eyes.

- How can you know everything I'm thinking ?

- It's because I know you. That's all.

- I can't believe a man like you can be mine. How can you be interested in a trash like me ?

- Shut up (f/n). You're not SAKURA (sorry I had to. It was to easy). Look, you're the best thing that ever happened in my life. If the best thing in my life is trash, I can't imagine what the rest of my life is.

- It's only because you don't know everything yet...

- (f/n) ! Look at me-

He took my face between his 2 hands and lift it up so he could look at me in the eyes.

- You are strong, stronger than me. You had the strength to live with Orochimaru for 20 years. You had the strength to lie to everyone for the sake of protecting them. You had the strength to be disowned by everyone if it they were safe. You had the strength to make the first step because I was so insecure about telling you my feelings. You had the strength to beat the shit out of me. And most of all, you had the strength to train Naruto, and that's something-

He was laughing lightly after his last sentence.

- You are not trash. You are the strongest person I know. I just want to help you right now. For me, you are the girl that means the most. Even if the people of the village disown you, I will never leave you. We'll run away together to a new land and have a family there.

I looked at him with tears running down my cheeks. That was the sweetest thing someone ever told me. I couldn't believe how gentle Kakashi was with me. I guess it was love.

- Maybe just calm down a little bit with children. Maybe in a few years.

I laughed while crying.

- I didn't mean now. But I'd really like to have children you know.

- Yeah, me too. But in 2 or 3 years maybe. We can't wait too much longer thought. I'm still 28. After 35, normally it doesn't work that well.

- It's true... You're older than me. In my memories, you were one year younger.

- Is that so ? I wonder why.

- Yeah, me too.

I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him. My eyelids were heavy, and I just fell asleep in his arms.

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now