Chapter 27

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(f/n) POV

I woke up in a piece that I knew way too well. It was my bedroom when I was the pupil of Orochimaru.

- Oh ? You're finally awake my beautiful (f/n) ?

A man walked towards me. I tried to move, but I was tied to the bed. The man had grey hair, glasses and looked around 18 years old. I never saw him before.

- Who the fuck are you ?

- I'm Kabuto, the right-handed man of Orochimaru. But you shouldn't swear like that. That's not a lady like.

- What do you want from me ?

- Well, what Orochimaru wants ? I don't really know. I guess he'll kill you. But what I want from you ? Hmmm... Since you're tied up and naked, I guess my instinct is telling me what I should do.

He removed the blanket that was covering me and touched my naked skin lightly. With his other hand, he was taking out his already hard dick. He immediately went inside me, moaning every time he was going in and out. He was clearly gentler than Orochimaru, but it was the same dirty feeling again and again. At least, he wasn't hitting me or anything. After he finally cummed, he untied me and gave me some clothes to wear.

- I'll be coming back in a few hours. I'm going to talk to master Orochimaru about what to do of you.

He approached me, grabbing my chin.

- But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. I can't let a beautiful woman die like that, can I ?

He gave me a peck on the cheek and left the room.

- Here we go again...

That was my trick to not lose my mind : sarcasm. That way, I was hiding my feelings and that was helping me to see positively.

I sighed and went to sleep again. Maybe I could wake up in the arms of Kakashi to see that it was all a dream.

A week later

- How are you doing sweetheart ?

- You know that if I could move, you'll see that my heart isn't sweet at all.

I grumbled to Kabuto who was sitting behind me, trying to hug me.

- And stop fucking touching me god damnit !

- Woah tiger ! I'm only trying to hug my beautiful girlfriend.

I finally succeeded to get out of his grip and gave him a headbutt.


- Hmph... I guess you're still over that Kakashi guy ? Come on (f/n). You deserve someone that care about you. Where is he right now ? I don't see him anywhere. I don't even see him looking for you in the Hidden Leaf Village. He doesn't love you. I do.

- Shut up.

- Oooh... My little pony is angry.

- I'm going to kill you.

- Yeah right. You'll have to move before you can do that, baby.

Effectively, that bitch was a medicinal ninja and he knew exactly what to give me to paralyze only my arms and legs.

- I fucking hate you.

- Oh honey, that's not me you should hate, but your supposedly boyfriend who doesn't care about you. I am taking care of you in his place.

- I want to see master Orochimaru.

- That's sadly impossible. You know, master ordered me to kill you, but I didn't. In fact, you should be grateful to me. I saved you. You owe me your life, sweetie.

- I want to sleep. Get the fuck out of here.

- Mhmm... I don't know... What are the magic words ?

- I- I love you, you bitch.

He patted my head and left the room. I laid down on the bed, lost in my thoughts.

- Where are you, Kakashi ? Are you really not concerned about me ? I need you, please...

I ended up crying for the first time since I'm here.

Kakashi POV

For the past week, I searched for (f/n) every single day. Sometimes, even Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were helping me too. I was searching from dawn until night time. I decided that tomorrow, I was going to search farther from the Village. I was preparing myself for my journey.

- Kakashi ?

I hoped I could find (f/n).

- Kakashi !

I was literally heartbroken. All I was doing was thinking about her.


Jiraiya's scream made me came out of my thoughts.

- Uh, what ?

- I need you for a mission. I need to find Tsunade. The elders want her to be the next Hokage.

- Sorry Jiraiya, but I can't.

- Still searching for (f/n) ?

- Yeah, I'm heading out on a journey tomorrow.

- Listen, I know how much you love (f/n), Kakashi. But, don't you think it'll be easier if the Hokage could send more people on an official rescue mission ?

- You can take Naruto. Isn't he tracked by the Akatsuki anyway ? It could be a good idea to take him out of the village, don't you think ? I'll keep searching for her in the same time. You see ? Everyone's happy.

- That's a good idea. I'll do that. But Kakashi, you should still try to rest a little bit. When is the last time you had more than 2 hours of sleep ?

- Okay, okay... I'll try. See you, Jiraiya.

I went to her apartment. I wasn't sleeping in mine anymore. The pillow had her sent impregnated in it. It was almost as if I could sleep with her again. I took off every clothes I had on and laid on her bed. I cried, and cried, and cried again. I was so angry at myself. I was powerless. (f/n) was probably suffering somewhere by the hands of Orochimaru and I was here, crying.

After a few hours of crying, I finally fell asleep.

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now