Chapter 6

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Kakashi POV

"Oh my god, she knows. She knows that I like her. What am I going to do ? Okay. Think fast, Kakashi."

- Ah, eh. erm, um, mhmm ? What ? You ? No, no, no, no, no, not you. It's ehhhhh... Anko ! Yeah, that's her. That's Anko.

She looked sad. "Does she like me tho ? What a fool of me, I did. Imagine if she liked me ! I just fucking ruined everything ! Damn me !", I said to myself.

- Oh, Anko ? Lucky me ! I really prefer you to not like me. Imagine the awkwardness between us after that. It will probably ruin our friendship. I'm really glad it's not me.

CRAC It was the sound my heart made. These words just hit me hard. So much hard that I couldn't help myself but to cry. I tried to get away as fast as I could before she could possibly saw me.

- Sorry, I got to go to the bathroom.

She said it before me. "Okay, you can't hide now. So, stop crying like a fucking baby ! You're a man, Kakashi.", I tried to convince myself.

(f/n) POV

"Stop crying ! You're a gown woman ! Anyway, with my help, Orochimaru is going to crush the Leaf Village. It's only a matter of time. I guess it's better that I don't get attached to the people here.", I said to myself.

But still, what Kakashi said hurt me so much. Plus, I made a fool of myself by asking him. Like it could be me, I didn't fucking know him, and he didn't fucking know me. I was just so stupid.

I came out of the bathroom to see that Kakashi wasn't there anymore.

- Do you know where is Kakashi ?

- Yeah, I think he said he was going home. But he was mumbling so I didn't hear it well.

- Thank you, Sakura. I think I'll go home too, so have a nice evening. I was happy meet you today !

- Goodbye !

Sakura and Naruto said in heart. Sasuke was still as quiet as the first time I met him.

I started walking on the way home. But after 15-20 minutes of walking, I realized I was probably lost. I continued walking hoping that I would meet someone on the way, so I could ask him where to go. About 10 minutes later, I saw someone far away. I started running toward him with hope that he could help me. The more I was getting closer, the more I realize this person was Kakashi. He was sitting on a bench in a parc, his hands on his face, almost like he was sleeping. I got closer to him and when he heard me, he just disappeared. I looked around me and saw him behind me.

- What are you doing here this late ? It's dangerous you know ?

- Oh stop. I can handle almost anyone, even Orochimaru. But... What are you doing here ? I thought you told Sakura you were going home.

- I just thought about going for a walk before heading home. But still, what are you doing here ? You didn't answer me.

- Well... I got lost, hehe.

- Of course. Come on, let's go home.

He said, rolling his eyes.

We were walking together, but unlike the other times, it was quiet as hell. We could hear the flies flying. He wasn't even reading. He just looked lost in his thoughts. I wondered what he was thinking. I decided to break the silence.

- What did you say to Naruto earlier ? You know, when he thought I was a weak bitch.

- Oh, that ? I just said that you beat the shit out of me in front of the Hokage. But, what did you said too to Naruto after you asked me why I wasn't eating ?

- I just said that you were cute as hell behind that mask.

- Hmph, you didn't see my face for 20 years. Who knows what puberty can do ?

He had an annoyed voice, but he was still trying to be nice to me. I tried to understand why he was so annoyed and then I remembered what happen earlier. How could I have forgotten that ?

- Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. It was kind of harsh. I wouldn't mind at all if you liked me. I would even feel flattered.

- Don't worry at all. It's not the case, so we're all good !

- Still, I really want you to be my best friend. So, I want us to do a sleepover tonight and to talk about our lives since we have been separated.

- That's a good idea. Since you're not really installed in your place, we'll do it at my place. No problem ?

- No problem at all ! I can't wait to have one of our sleepovers like in the old times.

"Best friends, uh ? It's still better than just friends.", I thought.

Just a few chapters before real romance ! It's coming don't worry !

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now