Chapter 10

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(f/n) POV

- Well, I need to talk to you about something.

It was it. He was going to say it to me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't stay in place.

- Yeah. What is it ?

-It's about what I said with Guy. But... I don't know if I should say it. It's a delicate subject.

I decided to push him a little bit.

- It's okay... I mean, I already know that you like me. I may have listened to your conversation. Just a little bit.

- What ? You did ?

- Yeah, but you were going to say it to me, so that doesn't matter anymore, I guess.

- Well... Technically that's not what I was going to tell you. Not at all. But... I guess you're right. I may... have a crush on you. You know... I like you, that's true. I feel that we are even closer than before after our conversation yesterday and I know it may be a lot too soon, but-

I took his hand with mine, intertwining our fingers.

- Shut up, Kashi. I really like you too and I don't care at all if it's only been a day since we are together again. I've always liked you, first of all, so I guess it just stayed.

- I really want to kiss you right now but I have an important thing to say first, before I forgot. And, this is not good news, so I'll cheer you up after.

He said with a naughty smile.

- Alright. What is it ?

- It's about Sasuke. Orochimaru gave him the Curse Mark when he was in the 2nd round of the Chunin Exam. He'll probably ask you a bunch of questions about Orochimaru and I want you to say everything you know about him. Sasuke is a kid who has a powerful desire of power and I don't want him to fall into the hands of Orochimaru. I want him to know that Orochimaru is really not a good person to follow.

"So, he did it. Orochimaru told me to promote all the power that he could bring to him and Kakashi told me to do the exact opposite. What am I going to do ?" I thought.

- I understand. I'll do everything in my power to keep this kid far away from Orochimaru.

- Thank you so much (f/n). These kids count a lot for me you know.

- Yeah, I can imagine. Especially if the only friend you have is Guy. He can't keep his mouth shut this man.

We laughed together and then it became really quiet.

- So...

- So...?


He stood up, grabbed my hand and drew me in the bedroom with him. He place one of his hand on my cheek and he took his mask off with the other one. He got closer and closer-

- STOP !

- What ?

He pulled himself back a little. I just wanted to look at his face without a mask and damn he was hot.

- You're so handsome, Kashi. Damn... How can you be so fricking hot ?

- And how can you be so fricking beautiful ?

- Now shut up and kiss me.

He placed one hand on the side of my neck, one hand on my cheek and I had my hands behind his neck. He got closer and closer until our lips were touching. He had soft lips but a dominant tongue. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my legs were going nuts. I put my hands up in his silky hair. While we were kissing intensely, Kakashi pushed me in the bed and crawled on me. We were now lying in the bed, him above me still kissing like there was no tomorrow.

- I like you so much, Kashi.

- I like you so much too, beautiful.

Hope you like it !

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now