Chapter 4

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(f/n) POV

We entered the building, he gave me my key and then we unlocked our doors.

- See you later, Kashi !

- I just want you to know that if there's anything, I'm right next door.

- Noted.

He gave me the brightest smile and we went each into our apartment. I went immediately to take a shower. I was so disgusting after all this time without taking one. The feeling of the hot water was so good. I could've stayed there for a whole hour, but a knock on the door forced me to get out.

I took my towel and went to see who was at the door. I opened it and it was Kakashi.

- Hi (f/n), I just wanted to-

He stopped talking and started looking at the floor.

- What's wrong ?

- Ehhhhh... Well...

Kakashi POV

- What's wrong ?

- Ehhhhh... Well...

"How could I have been so stupid ? Of course, she was going to take a shower ! We saw each other 30 minutes ago. I should have given here more time.", I thought. She was wearing only a towel that was too small for her. Plus, she didn't seem to have noticed yet. I started blushing against my will. I tried to look down, but I couldn't help but look at her butt. Damn she was beautiful.

- I'll get changed and I come back in a minute, okay ?

She seemed to have noticed by the embarrassed look on her face. She had always been beautiful, but it was another level. She became a real woman and not only her face was hot. Everything in her was beautiful, majestic even.

(f/n) POV

I closed the door get changed. "Ugh so embarrassing. Why the towels are so small ! I'm not 1m60 !", I said to myself. I tried to stop blushing and then went to see what Kakashi wanted.

- Yeah, so... What do you want ?

- Oh yeah... Mhmm... Wait a second, what was it ? ... Oh yeah ! I thought you could come with me to meet my team, well our  team now.

- Yes, of course. I'd love to.

- Alright let's go !

It was pretty quiet while we were walking. I was admiring the town and he had his nose in a book. I tried to look upper his shoulder to look what kind of book he was reading since I'm pretty tall. But as soon as he saw me, he closed his book.

- What the hell are you doing (f/n) ?

- Trying to see what you're reading.

- You could just ask.

- Okay. What are you reading ?

- Make out Paradise.

- What kind of book is it ? Action ? Horror ? Comedy ? Romance ?

He started blushing.

- Or something else ? Please, let me see it ! Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase !

He seemed really embarrassed, fighting against himself to decide if he was going to hand me the book.

- Oh, come on Kashi ! Don't be embarrassed of what you're reading. I've seen you in worst situations. Like when you were trying to suck yo-

He interrupted you immediately.

- WOW ! Not that loud ! Plus, I was only 6, okay. I didn't know what I was doing.

He said, whispering to me.

- Okay, okay... I'll hand you my book but in one condition. You promise to not laugh at me.

- I promise !

- Ugh...

And he gave me his book. I was wondering why he was so reticent about letting me see what he was reading, until I realized it was... Porn ? Even if I promised, I couldn't keep my laugh inside me.

- Ugh, you didn't change. Always laughing at me when you promised not to.

- Well, I may have not changed, but your taste in reading did.

And I started laughing even louder than before.

- I hate you (f/n).

- Oh, cut the bullshit. I know you like me.

He froze. "Did I say something wrong ?", I thought. Then, I realized.

- I mean like a friend of course. What were you thinking at, Kashi ?

- Mhmm ? Oh, yeah of course like a friend. Sorry, I was just thinking about our old memories when we were child.

- You're thinking about when I caught you trying to suck your own d-

- OH MY GOD ! Stop for god's sake !

- You know I'm just messing with you.

- I know... Now, we should hurry. We're already late.

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now