Chapter 26

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(f/n) POV

I was now heading to the meeting point with "Sasuke". I glanced behind me, making sure I couldn't see and sense the Jonins following us. Of course, they made sure to hide their chakra pretty well.

When we arrived at destination, no one was there. We waited maybe one minute until Orochimaru appeared from the ground. Gosh, he was always doing this. He glanced at "Sasuke" and me, making sure everything was like it was planned.

- Very well, (f/n).

- Anything for you, master.

I pulled back and knelt down, letting Orochimaru and "Sasuke" talk alone.

- I'm glad you chose the right path, Sasuke. Come with me, will you.

They began to walk away. Orochimaru turned around and gave me the next orders.

- (f/n), go back to the village. I'll give you the next orders later.

- Yes, master.

And I ran back to the village, letting Orochimaru in the hands of the ANBU. Something was wrong, but I didn't know what. Orochimaru told me PRECISELY that I was coming back with him after handing him Sasuke. Why did he tell me to go back to the village ? That wasn't right.

When I catched up with the Jonins, I gave everyone the next orders from the Hokage.

- Everyone, expect Kakashi and Genma, go to your assigned guard post.

Everyone, except these two, scattered.

- Okay, Genma, everything went well. I just have something that bothers me, but it's probably nothing. Just... Tell everyone to not let their guard down.

- Yes, miss.

And Genma left.

- Kashi, you know what to do. Bring Sasuke in the arena as soon as possible. We don't want to attract attention on us. But, be careful... I suspect Orochimaru to be hiding in the Leaf Village right now. I'm pretty sure it wasn't him back there. Something is really bothering me. But, let's wait for the ANBU report.

- I will. I promise.

He gave me a peck on the cheek and left. I went back to the arena and looked for Naruto. I finally found him a few minutes later. Kakashi and Sasuke weren't still arrived.


- Oh... I'm so sorry ! I wished I could be there in time... But, how did the fight end ?



I high-fived him. I was feeling so proud. That knucklehead grew so much in only one month.

- But, don't worry (f/n)-sensei. I know you have some sort of S-rank mission right now. I don't blame you. And, you'll still see my next match !

- You're perspicacious too. I can't wait to see you kicking some ass.

We smiled at each other and stared at the empty arena. 5-10-15 minutes later, Kakashi and Sasuke weren't still there. I mumbled under my breath.

- What are they doing ?

- I think you knew Kakashi better (f/n)-sensei. Kakashi is ALWAYS late. There's nothing that could happen to them, right ?

Naruto looked at me with a cheerful smile and lust in his eyes. He was clearly trying to comfort me, but to convince him too.

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now